Even though breakfast and lunch will be free for all HVS students - it is important to fill out the Free & Reduced application!
Benefits may include discounted college application fees and sports pay-to-participate fees.
To apply: https://www.hvs.org/page/food-service-department

Spending some time outside picking berries!
How are you spending your summer? Vacations, staycations, day trips, or other summer fun - send us your pictures to Communications@hvs.org.

This week wraps up Summer Extension at Kurtz Elementary and the English Learning students are all smiles as they prepare for the new school year!

Registration is still open for 2023-2024 School Age Care – an extended day program at each elementary building for school-aged students in JK - 5th grade, before and/or after the regular school day.
For more information: https://www.hvs.org/o/apollo-center/page/school-age-care

The Back to School Process is a great way to make sure your child's information is updated for the upcoming school year.
Be sure to complete this process for each student of your household and update any information that may have changed.

It was great seeing everyone at Milford Memories yesterday - we are back again today! Stop by and say hello!

Mrs. Powers is enjoying some epic rides this summer before returning to Heritage Elementary in a few weeks.
There is still time to email your photos to Communications@hvs.org.

This HVS employee traveled to Colorado to visit family and enjoyed the beautiful sites of Steamboat Springs. Email your photos to Communications@hvs.org. #ValleyOnVacation #HVSsuccess

We are all set up and ready to say hello at Milford Memories! Stop by all weekend and learn more about what our district has to offer.

Milford Memories Parking Information:
Shuttle Service sponsored by LaFontaine running all weekend from Milford High School and behind Baker's of Milford.
$5 donation for parking at each location - proceeds going to the Huron Valley Marching Band and the LHS Senior Class of 2024.

A few construction updates from Milford High School - the main office demolition continues, lockers received a fresh coat of paint, classrooms are being set up and the view from the new press box is amazing!

Johnson Elementary 3rd graders - Brody and McKenna - had some fun in Port Austin this summer!
Email photos to Communications@hvs.org and we will share them with our HVS community.

If you are headed to Milford Memories this weekend, be sure to stop by our booth and learn more about our incredible schools in the HVS district, as well as our job opportunities!

As the start of the school year nears, be sure to check out all our HVS social media platforms to see what is happening throughout the district.

Providing convenient, inexpensive before and after school child care to HVS elementary students - 2023-2024 School Age Care registration is still open.
For more information: https://www.hvs.org/o/apollo-center/page/school-age-care

This HVS teacher spent some time in Ireland and Scotland!
Did you travel over summer vacation? Email your photos to Communications@hvs.org.

Be sure you are set up to get notifications - from both the district and your child's school - through our HVS app. These notifications will be sent to inform our HVS families about school closings, schedule reminders and any other important information.

Are you looking to sign your child up for preschool?
Apollo Early Childhood Center has openings in our fee-based preschool classes for the fall.

Open computer lab for families needing assistance with the online Back-to-School Process or Enrollment. The lab will have computers available and a staff member present for all parents/guardians needing help.

Even though breakfast and lunch will be free for all HVS students - it is important to fill out the Free & Reduced application!
Benefits may include reduced registration fee for AP tests, school funding, and more.
Apply online: https://www.hvs.org/page/food-service-department