2024 Bond Proposal
What's on the May 7th ballot?
Three key areas of focus:
Safety And Security Upgrades
Infrastructure Upgrades
Upgrades To Support Modernizing Educational Settings And New Programming
Zero Increase over current debt millage rate. Total program cost $361.3 million.
Safety & Security
Replacement of exterior doors
Replacement of windows utilizing newest technologies in glass replacement
Replacement of fire alarm systems
Technology security upgrades
Replace and expand video cameras
Expand door access control for additions/renovations
Emergency alert system
Improve PA systems
Replace staff radios
Replacement of aging buses
Remodel student, staff,
and community restrooms
Replace drinking water pipes,
hot water heaters, and water
softener systems
Site upgrades where needed
(parking lots, septic, drainage,
Interior door and window upgrades
Upgrades/replacement to
mechanical systems (HVAC, etc.)
Upgrade electrical infrastructure
to support technology
Roof replacements
Remodel kitchens and upgrade
kitchen equipment
Classroom upgrades where needed
(casework, walls, flooring, lockers)
Upgrades to high school
competition pool locker rooms
Specialty classroom upgrades
where needed (science, special
education, arts, gym)
Student Programs
Goals for Creating Middle/High School Campuses
Sharing of MS/HS staff and resources
including all offerings, particularly
in the Career Tech Education, world
language, and fine arts programs
Reducing the number of bus routes,
providing estimated $1.3 - $1.7
million cost savings annually
Sharing of innovative spaces such
as a future Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math (STEM) lab,
performing arts, athletic spaces, etc.
Providing equitable opportunities
for all students / parity on both
Increasing mentoring opportunities
between students
High School Upgrades
Upgrades to our Centers for
Performing Arts, including,
seating, orchestra pit
covers, lighting and sound
controls, etc.
Musical instruments
and equipment
Career Technical Education / Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) / Robotics /
Core and Elective Subject Areas
New pressbox at
Lakeland High School
Synthetic turf for varsity
baseball and varsity
softball fields
Athletic equipment