What is KALPA?
The KALPA system is a web-based program used by teachers and administrators to record and track all professional development activities. The system also maintains historical professional development records. Huron Valley Schools is requiring all professional staff to record professional development hours using the KALPA system.
How to Login to KALPA:
You will need to use the following information below:
District ID: 63220
Login Name: Network Username (last name followed by first initial of first name)
Password: Last 4 digits of your SSN number.
You can login to KALPA from anywhere with an Internet connection at http://www.kalpapdms.com/ .
User Guides:
Quick Start Guide
Complete User Manual
KALPA Guidelines
Who Do I Contact?
If you have questions about your professional development plan, or certification requirements, contact your administrator or Human Resources.
What is a SCECH and DPPD?
For more information about Professional Development requirements, including what counts as DPPD and how to apply for certificate renewal, please visit the Michigan Department of Education for Educator Certification web site.
EduPaths provides short (typically one hour) professional learning courses that have been approved by the state of Michigan to be counted as SCECHs or District Provided Professional Development. The links below will help you create your account, register for your courses, and apply for credit.
Need Assistance?
Technical Assistance
Help Desk