Be sure to check out all our HVS social media platforms to see what is happening throughout the district as we head into the 2023-2024 school year!

All smiles at International Academy-West this morning on their first day of school!
Welcome back!

This morning, we welcomed our new teachers to Huron Valley Schools for the 2023-2024 school year!
Welcome to the HVS team!

Happy First Day of School International Academy-West!

HAPPENING TOMORROW: Open computer lab for HVS families needing assistance with the online Back-to-School Process or Enrollment.
You will not be able to see your child's school schedule and other information if the Back to School Process is not complete.

School busses will be on the road two weeks from today!
Know the law and help keep our kids safe.

A fresh coat of paint and new LED lights brighten up the hallways at Milford High School - while construction of the new student services and main office entry continues.
Crews are working fast and doing a great job!

Welcome back International Academy-West staff! Lets make this a great year!

Open computer lab for HVS families needing assistance with the online Back-to-School Process or enrollment. This lab will have computers available and a staff member present for anyone needing help.

Don't miss the final Milford Independent Cinema - Wide World of Sports Movies film series sponsored by Huron Valley Athletic Complex. Tuesday - Caddyshack begins at 7:00 p.m. - Tickets are only $5.

If you are interested in a job in Food Service - we want you to join our HVS team!
We are looking for Cooks and Food Service Substitutes.
Go to hvs.org and click on the Jobs at HVS button to apply.

Breakfast and lunch will be free for all HVS students this school year but it is still important to fill out the Free & Reduced application!
Benefits may include school funding for student programs and services.
To apply: https://www.hvs.org/page/food-service-department

You can get set up to receive notifications - from both the district and your child's school - through our HVS app. These notifications will be sent to inform our HVS families about school closings, schedule reminders and any other important information.

Huron Valley Schools Leadership Management Team gathering today to prepare for the 2023-2024 school year!
Just over 2 weeks until we welcome students back!

As we inch closer to the start of the school year, be sure to check out all our HVS social media platforms to see what is happening throughout the district. #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS

We are looking for School Social Workers to join our Certified Student Support Services team here at HVS.
If you are interested, go to hvs.org and click on the Jobs at HVS button to apply.

International Academy-West getting ready to welcome back staff and students next week. The newly renovated spaces are almost complete and look great!

For families needing assistance with the online Back-to-School Process or enrollment, HVS will provide an open computer lab at Oak Valley Middle School next week. This lab will have computers available and a staff member present for anyone needing help.

Welcoming back our HVS secretaries for the 2023-2024 school year. This group helps our buildings run smoothly and we greatly appreciate all they do!

Before and after school child care to HVS elementary students - 2023-2024 School Age Care registration is still open.
For more information: https://www.hvs.org/o/apollo-center/page/school-age-care