HVS Redistricting
After careful consideration and review, adjustments have been made to improve school capacities to help create balance across the district and fulfill the Strategic Plan adopted by our Board of Education in December 2023. These new school boundaries creates an East/West feeder track that allows students to remain with their peers from elementary through high school.
Map of Updated Boundaries
This map shows the new school boundary maps for the Huron Valley Schools. These boundaries will go into effect with the 2025/26 school year.
To view the home school for your residence, click the button on the top left to select the Elementary or Middle & High School map. Zoom in/out to locate and click on your residence. The name of your assigned school will appear. Use the full screen button to open a new window and then use the magnifying glass to input your address.
School Paths & Street Guide
The new school pathways will allow students to follow their peers from elementary through high school. The street guide allows you to search for your assigned home school by looking up your address. The guide is sorted by street name.

Huron Valley Schools is committed to making this transition as smooth as possible and ensuring that all students feel welcomed and supported at their new schools. We will work closely with affected families and students, providing support to help students feel welcome and prepared as they transition to their new schools. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work together to continue to Inspire and Build Futures, One Student at a Time.
If you have any questions regarding Redistricting, email Communications@hvs.org.