"Happy Graduation 🎉 Grandpa and Grandma Riley are SO PROUD of YOU🧑🏻‍🎓❤️🎉" Send your graduate shout out and picture to communications@hvs.org. #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
ahlayna riley
HAPPENING TOMORROW: The HOT Robotics team will be hosting their annual Recruitment Meeting. Learn what it is like to be part of a world championship robotics team. Team applications are due Wednesday, June 14th. For info: HOTteam67.org or email lori.gleason@hvs.org #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
HOT Team
"We are so proud of you Katie! Now time to say goodbye to High School as you open a brand new chapter in your life! Always be yourself and follow your dreams! Congratulations Sweetie! We love you so much! Love Mom, Dad, and Brookelyn" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
Katie Reminder
We already know we have great Bus Drivers but did you know they are award winning? This past weekend, HVS took 1st place in the Oakland County Bus Roadeo team competition and 1st (Terri Alore), 2nd (Jerry Sadler), and 3rd (Nicole Ostrander) individually. Way to go! #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
bus roadeo
bus roadeo
bus roadeo
bus roadeo
"We are so proud of you ! You’re going to do amazing things. Love Mom, Dad, Cyril, Violet & Fiona" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
declan parr
Happy National Smile Day! There is so much a smile can do. Just one smile can brighten someone’s day. It can also improve your day. Smiles are infectious! #NationalSmileDay #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
national smile day
"Amelia Mason has worked so hard for everything she has. She is an amazing friend, guide, and role model. I would not be the same without someone as genuine and caring to help me transition into high school. She’s gonna be such a successful person!" #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
Amelia Mason
If you have a graduating senior with money left on their lunch account, please contact Colleen Armstrong at colleen.armstrong@hvs.org. #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
school lunch account
Milford High School's football stadium bleacher and pressbox replacement is underway. The visitor grandstand construction is complete. Next up, the home grandstand demolition set to begin. Crews are doing a great job! #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
mhs stadium
mhs stadium
"So very proud of Wyatt Towianski, a graduating senior from MHS. These are your "good old days", make some good memories." Send your graduate shout out and picture to communications@hvs.org. #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
wyatt towianski
HAPPENING TOMORROW: Come enjoy the weather and support our HVS Jazz Bands at Milford Central Park! #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
jazz at the amp
On this Memorial Day - we remember, honor and thank all who served.
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
memorial day
"Congratulations to Tommy Merglewski - LHS Class of 2023. We’re ALL SO proud of your accomplishments." Send your graduate shout out and picture to communications@hvs.org. #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
Tommy Merglewski
"Ms. Riley is always stepping up to help students in whatever need they have! I am impressed with her ability to pivot at a moment's notice. She is one of the most compassionate co-workers I have ever worked with, I am so happy to have her in the district with me!" - MHS Coworker
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
paige riley
REMINDER: In observance of Memorial Day – there will be no school on Monday, May 29th. School will resume on Tuesday, May 30th. Have a great weekend and stay safe! #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
memorial day
The Detroit Pistons Extreme Team put on an exciting show at White Lake Middle School today for their Student Appreciation Day. Students and staff were even able to join the fun! #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
wlms pistons
wlms pistons
wlms pistons
wlms pistons
This morning, students, staff, parents and the community honored our graduates during Senior Clap Out at Lakeland and Milford High Schools! Congratulations! #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
MHS clap out
LHS clap out
Happy Last Day of School Lakeland and Milford High School Seniors! Next stop - Graduation! #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
last day
Graduation is right around the corner and HVS wants to celebrate our amazing seniors. Send your graduate shout out and picture to communications@hvs.org. #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
senior shout out
This morning, Harbor High School held their Student Awards Ceremony celebrating their graduating seniors on their final day of school. Graduates received their cap and gowns and teachers presented awards for individual student achievement. Congratulations! #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
harbor awards
harbor awards