Congratulations to all of our Huron Valley Schools Graduates! #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
Graduation Information
HAPPENING NOW: Dick's Sporting Goods Exclusive Shop Event - 20% off your entire in-store purchase for League Appreciation Weekend Friday, June 2nd - Monday, June 5th Brighton & Novi Locations Gear up for the season!
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
gear up
"Congratulations, Carter Bell, as you graduate from Milford High School. Your educational and leadership career through HVS is one to be celebrated and we are so excited for your future at University of Michigan!" #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
carter bell
"Congratulations to Michael Paduchowski!! LHS Class of 2023!!" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
michael paduchowski
"Congratulations Matthew Herman!! We are so proud of you!! Keep reaching for those stars!!" Send your graduate shout out and picture to #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
matthew herman
HAPPENING TOMORROW: Milford Township Parks & Recreation is hosting a Spring Picnic at Central Park from 2:00p.m.-5:00p.m. This is a FREE family event!
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
spring picnic
Our LHS and MHS seniors are ready for Sunday - as graduation rehearsals wrapped up this morning. Congrats to all our HVS graduates! #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
"Congratulations to 2023 MHS graduate, Ava Moore! You are so very loved! Love - Dad" “Don't get distracted by the height of the staircase, take time to enjoy each step” #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
ava moore
"She has accomplished so much before graduation by getting her CNA license And MA license! She will continue her education and get her BA In Nursing from Oakland University!!" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
madison lindquist
"Congratulations Owen Hendry, a Milford High School Graduate! We are beyond proud of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish next at the University of Michigan, GO BLUE!" #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
owen hendry
"Congratulations to our MHS graduate, Angelina Maruskin! Words cannot express the pride we feel today & always!" “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” —Nora Ephron #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
angelina maruskin
"Congratulations Sofia Henry! You continue to make us proud. Best of luck as you begin your college experience." Send your graduate shout out and picture to #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
sofia henry
The end of an era - the pressbox at Milford High School was torn down today to make room for the new pressbox and bleachers on the home side of the football stadium. #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
MHS pressbox
MHS pressbox
MHS pressbox
MHS pressbox
"Congratulations Chey! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments! Keep shining, spreading your love and positivity to others! Only the best is yet to come! We love you so much!!" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
Chey Whitney
"Congratulations, Ryan Snody! We are so proud of your high school accomplishments and are thrilled that you will be attending MSU in the fall!" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
ryan snody
"We are so proud of you Gavin and we love you beyond words. Go out there and change the world. Congratulations! Love Mom & Cole" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
"Shout out to Katrina Layton of Harbor High!" Send your graduate shout out and picture to #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
Katrina Layton
Happy first day of June HVS! Stay cool out there! #HVSsuccess
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
Hello June
"Congratulations Emily and Morgan!! We are so proud of all that you have done. It is now time for the next chapter, may God guide you as you go for your dreams. Love Mom and Dad" #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
emily and morgan
Congratulations to LHS & MHS Varsity Boys Golf teams representing 6 out of 18 golfers awarded medals at the LVC (Lakes Valley Conference) Tournament on Tuesday, May 23. #HVSsuccess #WeAreHVS
almost 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
LVC Tournament
LVC Tournament
LVC Tournament