Teacher Innovative Teaching & Learning Award

The Huron Valley Education Foundation awards grants to teachers each Fall to support innovative teaching and learning. These support the purchase of equipment, support events and programs, help update learning spaces throughout the district.

Here is a list of the 25 grant recipients awarded throughout the district this year:

Elementary Schools/Early Childhood

Apollo - Sonya Boehm, Calming the Emotional Storm 
Country Oaks - Stacy Rennie, Cool Kid Coding!
Heritage - Susan Black, One School One Book The Pet War by Allan Woodrow
Heritage - Kim Szalay, Peace-Ful Place
Heritage - Angel Smarsty, Let’s Make Steam a Dream for our 2nd Graders
Highland - David Rega, Boom! Here Comes the Fun
Highland - Karen Emerson, Readers Dozen
Lakewood- Rachel Thornton, One Book One School
Spring Mills - Sylvia LaPratt, Rock the Rainbow Piano!

Middle Schools

Muir - Sheree Lozon, Hands-on History!
Muir - Eric Williams, Building Independence in Real Life
Oak Valley - Dave Browne, Bio Magnets
Oak Valley - Dave Browne, Animals Cells Alive
White Lake - Brian Dawson, Rubic’s Cube Project
White Lake - Joey Webb, A Different Light
White Lake - Janet Buchanan, Sew Your (He)Art Out!

High Schools

Lakeland - Meredith Johnson, Making Sense of Numbers Through Manipulatives and Games  
Lakeland - Laura Smith, Forensic Science Laboratory Improvement 
Lakeland - Katelyn Mueller, Brain Model
Lakeland - Amanda Beckett, Michigan’s Micro Ecology
Milford - Paige Riley, Dressed for Success in the ATP!
Milford - Lori Gleason, The HOTT Team’s Success Happens in the Pits
Milford - Emma Flynn, Anatomy Models for AP and Intro Psychology


HVS Rec and Ed - Shannon Loso, Scholarships for Rec and Ed Programming
HVCA - Georgia Bingham, Arts for Life