Congratulations to our October Students of the Month! We recognized them at a breakfast before school last week. Great work, Hornets.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
October students of the month
8th graders, if you are interested in attending the International Academy next year, please note the information meetings available. Applications are due by January 29.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
International Academy meetings
At the Fall Harvest Dance, we enjoyed a haunted hallway, photo booth, pumpkin bowling, DJ and dancing, pizza, guessing games, and much more! Many thanks to our Leadership Class for all of their hard work in planning and orchestrating this special event!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
three girls in costume at the dance
girls outside the haunted hallway
four students in costume at photo booth
student bowling with pumpkin
Oak Valley 7th and 8th Grade Choirs and 7th Grade Communication Arts classes were invited to Milford High School for a behind-the-scenes view of a musical production. The rehearsal process for "White Christmas" was interactively explained to our students. We were impressed!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
middle school students watch rehearsal
students talk in a circle in the lobby
middle schoolers watch the stage from the audience
The HV United Cheerleading Team will begin in early November. Please see this flier for times and tryouts for seventh and eighth graders.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
7th and 8th grade cheerleading tryouts in November
Costume Day was a blast at OVMS! Our students are so creative! We love to see their unique ideas. The hallways were filled with sharks, dinosaurs, Ghostbusters, aliens, Minions, and more.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two kids in banana costumes
two guys dressed up like Jim Harbaugh
girls in Ghostbuster uniforms
Four girls in animal suits
Tickets for the Fall Harvest Dance on Oct. 27 are on sale ($10 through Wednesday, $15 on Thursday at lunch only). Students will need to buy their ticket soon so we can order pizza for everyone. This event is loads of fun! Pictures here are from last year's event.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
cake walk in costumes
playing basketball in costume
game of ghosts at party
Last week, OV 8th grade students visited Indian Springs to test the water quality of the Huron River Watershed. In addition, students hiked to the headwaters of the Huron River and learned about wetlands and other ecosystems found in our watershed.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students on dock collecting water sample
students in water observatory
two girls holding up water testing supplies
girl looking at water through glass
On Friday night, the OV Band joined the HV United Band to perform for the cross-town rivalry crowd at Milford High School. Excitement was in the air as the two groups joined together for music and marching!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
drummers perform with bands
band members in uniform
trumpeters with band members
saxophone players smile
Each senior football player on the LHS varsity team recognizes one teacher who had a great impact on their development. Today Braxton Godin surprised Mr. Shindorf by honoring him with his Eagles jersey and words of appreciation!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Teacher with Lakeland football player
Our 6th graders got back together with their 8th grade WEB leaders to paint rocks with messages of positivity and unity. The rocks will be displayed along the sidewalk as you enter Oak Valley. Thank you to the Huron Valley Community Coalition for helping us and providing supplies!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
boys painting rocks
8th graders helping 6th graders paint rocks
students painting rocks
girl showing her painted rock
At OVMS, we enjoyed dressing like Adam Sandler yesterday. Spirit Days bring an atmosphere of fun!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Mr. Brownes' class dressed like Adam Sandler
Two gals with Happy Gilmore shirts
Gilmore hockey jersey
Two teachers dressed like Adam Sandler
Our 7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Teams reigned victorious within HVS tonight. Playing against WLMS at Lakeland High School, they battled their rivals and enjoyed success with their teammates!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
7th grade girls volleyball team
girl setting ball in volleyball game
5 volleyball players after game
8th grade girls making circle
The 7th Grade Digital Technology Class worked on a career development "Escape Room" today with Mrs. Nellis, exploring future possibilities!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students listening to counselor in library
Oak Valley students are invited to join the HVS Color Guard Winter Team! After a few years off, they are bringing back the middle school age group. There will be an information meeting with Mr. Green on October 18 at 6 pm in the MHS band room.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
color guard information meeting October 18
Last week, sixth grade scientists learned about the parts of a triple beam balance and how to use it. Then, they applied their knowledge to measure the masses of different candies.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students measuring the mass of candy
students measuring the mass of candy
students measuring the mass of candy
students measuring the mass of candy
We had a GREAT time at the Welcome Back Activity this afternoon! Thanks to everyone that joined us and to our WEB leaders for putting on a fun-filled event. 😄
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls eating pizza
students in a dance line
boys eating pizza
girls at carnival photo booth
Today in 7th grade science, students checked out cells of cool creatures and learned how to use microscopes.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students using microscopes
students using microscopes
Our cycling team, Huron Valley United, won the first place team award for the middle school category at their third MISCA race of the series at Bloomer Park. Four OVMS students are on this team. Congratulations to our cyclists!
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Four bicyclists on award stand
Oak Valley students - come to next Thursday’s Welcome Back Activity for an afternoon of fun! Tickets are on sale at all lunches. We hope to see you there.
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Welcome Back Activity ad