The Oak Valley Bands showcased their amazing musical abilities in the Winter Concert last night. From Beginning Band to 7th/8th and Jazz Bands, the students deftly performed a wide variety of songs for a very full house. Congratulations to Mr. Hogaboom and all of our skillful musicians!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
sixth grade band in concert
jazz band performing music
Mr. Hogaboom talking with a microphone
combined 7th and 8th grade band in concert
"December Stories" will be performed by the Oak Valley Choirs on Monday, December 19, in our cafeteria. The students will proudly present their songs beginning at 6:30 pm. The Book Fair will also be open following the concert. Come join us!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
choir concert Dec. 19 flier
7th and 8th grade band members (pictured here) participated in the Solo and Ensemble Festival last Saturday. All of our IV groups earned a rating of 1 or 2 and received medals. Congratulations to all!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
band members pose in hallway
Congratulations to Mr. Browne, who received HVEF (Huron Valley Educational Foundation) grants for his science classes. The grant for “Cells Alive” will enable students to view a variety of cells under a microscope, then build a large-scale model of what they see. Also, a “Biology Magnets” grant will give students a tangible model to reenact DNA replication, construct models of human body systems, and design food webs. These innovative materials will certainly be an asset for hands-on learning!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Mr. Browne with certificate from the HV Foundation
In Pre-Engineering class, the sixth grade students build robot arms. The robots move using hydraulics (liquids) and pneumatics (gas). Students design the robot arm and end effector to save "Ping-Pong Pete" from the hot lava pit of death!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two girls in pre-engineering class
girl building a robot arm
two boys building robot arms
three students discussing a robot arm at a table
Sixth grade science students at OVMS studied chemical reactions today. Mrs. Day and Mrs. Gorny combined a gummy bear with potassium chlorate to make a spectacular explosion!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
chemical reaction demonstration in science lab
The Oak Valley Choirs sang for the Milford community on Thursday night. They embraced the holiday spirit as they shared their songs!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Choirs all together in a group
Choraleers sing outdoors
Choirs sing from sheet music
Carolers in Milford
Our students and staff enjoyed supporting their favorite colleges and universities for today's spirit day. Way to show your spirit, Hornets!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Teachers wearing college gear
Students and teacher wearing college gear
Students and teacher wearing college gear
Students wearing college gear
Oak Valley’s robotics team, the Steam Stingers, participated in their first competition this fall. The Stingers won most of their matches and ended up with a respectable score. Way to go! Their next meet will be December 10.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
robot in the field
robotics team
coach and 3 robotics team members
2 robotics team members on controllers
Oak Valley NJHS students collected non-perishable food items to create Thanksgiving baskets for local families. They were able to create 45 baskets of food and shared them with families at Oak Valley, Country Oaks, Kurtz, and Johnson. Great job, Hornets!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
NJHS leaders with Thanksgiving boxes
We had so much fun at our assembly, celebrating the success of the Oak Valley Rally! The incentives included Mrs. Meray-Poe getting duct taped to the wall, Mrs. Durso and Mr. Hamilton playing Bean Boozled, Mrs. Chwalek becoming a human sundae, and much more. We are so grateful for the work and organization of our Leadership Class and Mrs. Haas, who was also slimed!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Teacher gets duct taped to a wall
two staff members grimace with Bean Boozled
Librarian turned into an ice cream sundae
2 girls pour slime on teacher's head
Mrs. Samuels has unveiled the spring musical for OVMS! We are looking forward to a special production of Annie Jr. More information will be coming soon.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Poster about Annie Jr.
Our boys basketball teams played Muir at MHS last night in a highly anticipated rival game. 6th/7th grade fought hard but came up short, losing 19-29. 8th grade was victorious with a final score of 50-37. Both teams were welcomed with an OV basketball alumni tunnel to start the game. The energy in the fieldhouse was contagious!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
basketball players
basketball players
basketball player
basketball players
Sixth graders at OV made ice cream to investigate phase changes. Science is fun and yummy!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
kids eating ice cream
kids eating ice cream
kids eating ice cream
kids eating ice cream
It's "Anything but a Backpack Day" at OVMS! This Spirit Day brings a fun parade of students' flexibility and creativity. What will they think of next?
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
three girls with carts and trash can for backpacks
Boy using net instead of backpack
girls using strollers, suitcase, carts for backpacks
two boys with wagons for backpacks
Today we honored those who have fought for our country and our freedom during our Veterans Day Assembly. We were joined by our students' loved ones, as well as local veterans from our community. Thank you to the WEB Leadership class for planning the afternoon, and to Spicer's Orchard, Bella Rose, Holden's, Village Grill and Milford Kroger for your donations of food and flowers for our veterans.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students with veterans
students with veterans
The Craft Club has been busy creating twirling toys that spin. Whether they paint with shaving cream or bake a shrinky dink, they always have fun together after school. Come join any intramural club you wish! You can sign up in the office.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
craft club assembling spinners
craft club showing their spinners
OV Engineering students designed and assembled their projects using 3D printing and motion with gears. Great work!!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
2 boys with gear project
two girls with Lilo and stitch project
boys with merry go round project
The HV United Middle School Cycling Team has enjoyed great success, embracing the challenges and the muddy terrain. They received another first place trophy at the MISCA Cycle Therapy Bicycles Lakeshore Park Race. Congratulations to all!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
cyclist with mud on face after a race
four cyclists standing by a bike
boy on cycle going through woods
The Oak Valley Robotics Team (STEAM Stingers) has been hard at work designing, building, and programming a robot that will perform specific tasks. On Nov. 19, they will compete with other middle schools across the state, and will be judged on their robot’s ability to carry out required challenges, their written and oral presentation of what they’ve learned, and their ability to work together as a team. Let’s wish them all good luck!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
boys working on a robot
two boys working on robot construction