Boys & Girls Wrestling
Practice for the wrestling team begins on January 8, 2025. It will be held after school in the band room, then the OV cafeteria. Wrestling is a "no cut" sport. Please let Mrs. Chwalek know if you would like to join.
Bring your gym clothes and a water bottle. You can begin with tennis shoes but eventually you will need wrestling shoes.
Every student athlete is required to obtain a physical dated after April 15, 2024. Physical forms can be found here. Please complete and submit in Final Forms before the first practice.
Quick Links:
Final Forms - Online Registration (be sure to click the box for "wrestling")
eFunds - Pay to Participate (after roster is formed for the team)
Pay to Participate instructions
Schedule - Wrestling Meets at Home and Away
Preorder your VSN Sports Photos. Bring uniforms for Team Picture Day on Feb. 7.