6th Grade: Taken in conjunction with Digital Technology 6 as part of a STEM block, this 10-week course introduces the “research, design, and build” model. It also makes students look at how humans identify and solve problems as they study various technologies such as transportation, energy transfer & fluid power. During the course, students develop an understanding of the nature of technology in our world, how technology and society affect each other, and the elements of the design process. As students use the design process they will recognize and value knowledge gained from other subjects as they apply that knowledge to identify and create solutions to problems. Students create a process-folio which is a record of their thinking.
7th Grade: The jobs of the future call for creative thinkers that can synthesize their academic skills and work as a team. In Pre-Engineering students will utilize S.T.E.M., (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to solve real world problems. The activities and projects will vary between independent, partner, and small group collaboration opportunities. Focus is on the engineering design process. In addition, students have the opportunity to be creative and social.
Engineering 8
This course is designed to build upon the concepts learned in Pre-Engineering 6 and Pre-Engineering 7. Students will use the design process and engage with a variety of engineering projects. Students are exposed to learning opportunities that build the collaboration and problem-solving skills needed for a lifetime of learning and working. Students are immersed in a collaborative experience, seeking to answer questions through hands-on discovery and experimentation. These projects give students a deeper exposure to a variety of different engineering fields which may include (but are not limited to) Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Transportation, and Computer Engineering.
Digital Technology
6th Grade: Taken in conjunction with Pre-Engineering 6 as part of a STEM block, this 10-week course serves as an initial exploration of the skills and tools needed to succeed in a digital world. Students will leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals by using a wide variety of digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative projects, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. Students will learn how to communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the digital media appropriate to their goals. Keyboarding, file management, online safety, digital identity, and other important technology skills are emphasized.
7th Grade: This course provides an exploration of the tools and skills needed for a wide variety of jobs in the workplace. Units in this course are based upon the themes of digital ethics and security, career exploration, personal finance, and innovative design. While completing these units, students will learn the importance of building a positive digital footprint, discover job possibilities, work with spreadsheets to organize and communicate data, and use basic coding while creating 3-D designs in a digital space. As with Digital Technology 6, the development of skills in areas such as keyboarding, file management, online safety, and digital identity is always emphasized.
Introduction to Multimedia 8
This course explores a wide variety of current digital design practices to convey ideas and information visually, graphically, and auditorily. Units in this course will explore the skills needed to produce websites, podcasts, digital videos, video games, graphic designs, and virtual reality spaces. Upon completing these units, students will learn the importance of building a positive digital footprint while engaging in the design process using a variety of platforms, tools, and formats.
Physical Education
6th Grade: This is a skills based course. Students will work independently, in small groups and large groups while participating in different physical and sport units.
Healthy Living Course
7th Grade Health: Utilizing the Michigan Model for Health Curriculum, students learn accurate and current information on the following units of study: Social and Emotional Health, Safety and Violence Prevention, Healthy Eating & Physical Activity, Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention, and Reproductive Health. Through participation in this course, students gain knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy decisions in a wide range of physical, emotional, and social issues.
7th Grade PE: This is a ten week course that is party of the healthy living block in which students add to their understanding of personal conditioning skills. During this course they will add specific training principles and strategies to assist them in improving their personal fitness goals. Students will also be introduced to a variety of weight resistance techniques. Attention will be given to advanced skill development and application in game situations. During individual, dual, and team sports they will enhance their knowledge of rules, skills, and teamwork. They will develop strategies to play sports more successfully. Students will learn to appreciate the value of skill acquisition and development.
Personal Conditioning 8
In this course students will be introduced to various fitness concepts such as: assessment, cardio-respiratory and muscular strength training. The students establish goals and keep fitness logs to emphasize consistent and effective fitness planning. goal setting, training techniques, personal fitness programs, and individual levels of performance are emphasized. Students develop an understanding of cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular strength training and explore potential risks associated with these activities. After they assess their own initial fitness levels, they develop a plan for self-improvement and understand the benefits to lifelong health and fitness.
Team Sports 8
This course is designed for the student who enjoys participating in sports in a team atmosphere. The course includes basic physical education concepts as well as those lifetime activities that the student is likely to participate in (i.e.: basketball, volleyball, team handball, footbasket, soccer, flag football, softball, rackets).
Spanish I
Spanish I high school curriculum introduces students to the Spanish language and culture. Emphasis is placed on developing meaningful communication in Spanish in a variety of contexts. Appropriate grammar and vocabulary will be taught to support this communication. Students broaden their knowledge by exploring the regions of the world where Spanish is spoken. Students will be expected to speak and present in the Spanish language throughout the year.