Support Services
Welcome to Support Services! We focus on students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Additionally, Oak Valley has a process is in place for any students who are struggling academically or behaviorally. Parents with any concerns can reach out to the student's teacher and/or counselor as a first step. Parents may contact one of the student's teachers directly or make an appointment with a counselor below so the team can best evaluate the student in an effort to provide them the support they need.
At Oak Valley, we strive to make connections with students throughout the day and year that will build trust and help the students do their very best each day. We do this by matching the Resource Room teacher's schedules with the students on their caseload. By doing this, the teachers have multiple times a day they have contact with their students. More importantly, as the Resource Room teacher teams with the general education teacher daily, the Resource Room teachers are aware of lesson details, and are able to reteach and guide students through lessons.
General Education Classroom Support
Special Education Staff
The Resource Room teacher or a paraprofessional is scheduled into a general education classroom to help support a small group of special education students. This may include social, behavioral, physical and academic support.
Learning and Caring for Every Student (LACES)
Peer-to-Peer support scheduled in the general education classroom. These students receive specialized training and are paired with an individual or small group of students to assist them in their behavioral and academic needs.
Special Education Classes
Specific classes taught within the Special Services Department vary from year to year depending upon the needs of our students. In some cases, a student’s specialized program will lead to a Certificate of Completion. The needs of students are met through the use of specialized instruction, accommodations, and ancillary services. Support is determined through the IEP process.
Learning Resource Class (LRC)
LRC is taken during an elective hour, so students are not missing any general education instruction during this class. It is taught by the students’ Resource Room teacher during one of the student’s elective hours. This class focuses on reteaching of core content, organization skills, and providing math and reading interventions.
Math Essentials
The Math Essentials Class is in place of the general education math curriculum. It is designed to help students, who are performing significantly below grade level, recover basic computation and math concept skills.
ELA Essentials
The ELA Essentials Class is in place of the general education ELA curriculum. It is designed to help students, who are performing significantly below grade level, recover reading and writing skills.
ASD Categorical Classroom
Essential Classes in All Core Academic Areas
These classes are provided for students in the Categorical Program only. Students focus on learning life skills. All academics are based on functional skills that can be applied to daily living.
Community-Based Instruction (CBI)
As part of the CBI Program, students are able to access local communities to learn, practice and apply new skills that have been taught in the classroom, such as: social interaction with community members, practice money skills as an active member of the community, practice newly acquired social skills and understand the importance of local community services.
Additional Support
School Social Worker
The school social worker coordinates a continuum of services from initial special education social work eligibility to ongoing individualized behavioral interventions for student development. Overall, providing support aimed at academic, emotional, behavioral and social success for students. This may occur in individual or group settings, depending on the needs of the student. Coordinating resources with community agencies, outside therapists and parents for long term support as well as acute crisis intervention plays a significant role in the social worker’s practice as well.
Speech and Language
Provides direct and indirect speech and language services to eligible students. These services include opportunities for students to work on language skills (receptive and expressive skills including sentence structure, vocabulary and listening skills), articulation skills (specific sound development), fluency and voice skills.
School Psychologist
Provides consultation support to all teachers for student learning and behavior, along with mental health support to students during the school day. Also, the school psychologist determines and conducts appropriate assessments for students with IEPs or referred for an IEP.