Our staff and students rocked out our first spirit day this year. Concert t-shirt day was a big hit.
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Students in concert t-shirts
Teacher and students rocking out
Students and teacher in concert t-shirts
Group in concert t-shirts
The OVMS 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball Teams are enjoying a great season so far! Our 8th grade team (pictured here) is undefeated! All of our players demonstrate spirit and work hard. Go Hornets!
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
8th grade girls volleyball team
Become a Parent Mentor! Want to make a difference in our school and community? Join us for an informational meeting on Friday, Sept. 23, at 2:35 pm at OVMS. Parent mentors meet with a student once a week to help them feel connected, stay organized, and find success in school. They meet with the student during lunch or seminar (2:33-3:00). Join us to learn more about this exciting, positive program!
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Parent mentors holding up t-shirts
Happy 1st week of school. We’re so happy to be back with all of our wonderful Oak Valley families. Have a great weekend, Hornets! 👏👏👏
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Oak Valley staff
Do you love to run? Come join the Cross Country team at OVMS on Monday! Our first practice will be 9:00 to 10:30 am on Aug. 29. All OV students in grades 6-8 are welcome. Be sure to submit your physical, and meet us in the cafeteria. The next practice will be Sept. 1 at 1:00 pm. See our website for more information: https://www.hvs.org/o/oakvalley/page/cross-country
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Cross Country boys on the lawn
two cross country runners
2 girls finishing the running course
OV Students, would you like to join the Robotics team? We meet Mondays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. Applications are due by Sept. 2. Click on the form to apply on our webpage: https://www.hvs.org/o/oakvalley/page/robotics
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Robotics flier
Robotics team at a meet
We look forward to welcoming our incoming 6th grade students at Oak Valley from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm on September 1! We will have a program planned for the entire morning with our 8th grade leaders. Can't wait to meet you! For more information, see the flyer here: https://5il.co/1frxw
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 sixth grade girls in science class
WEB orientation kids in bleachers
Oak Valley 7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Team Tryouts will begin Monday, August 29, at 2:00 PM in the OVMS gym. Be sure to bring your current physical forms (dated after April 15, 2022). For more information, see the volleyball page on our website: https://www.hvs.org/o/oakvalley/page/girls-volleyball
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls volleyball team
girls volleyball team on court
Summer Band students are marching at Cedar Point today. It’s a great day to be in band!
about 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
summer band marching
We celebrated the achievements of students who earned Academic Honors, High Honors, Academic Excellence, and the President's Award last night at Oak Valley. We are so proud of you and your hard work!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
honors ceremony students sitting
Two girls standing by balloons
boys with honors certificates
Our Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade Choirs took us on a tour with "Music Around the World" tonight. They sang in multiple languages and demonstrated the impressive ability to handle a variation of rhythm, dynamics, and style. Our 8th graders were also recognized. We are so proud of all of you!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
choir in concert
choir singing, with soloists
8th graders stand in front of choir
Four Oak Valley bands came together to present a wonderful concert tonight! With popular music from The Incredibles, Queen, and jazz tunes, this was a night to remember! Our 8th graders were also honored. We will miss you!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Band concert
7th and 8th grade band
jazz band
8th graders in line to be recognized
Our 7th & 8th grade band and choir students enjoyed their annual trip this past weekend. They started at CMU in clinics where they practiced for their upcoming concerts and then spent time at Great Wolf Lodge and Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes. They also enjoyed dune rides before returning to Oak Valley.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Band students rehearsing
Choir students rehearsing
Students on the beach
Students on a dune ride
Our ASD program's visit to Indian Springs Metropark was fantastic! We saw fish, frogs, birds, and ducks. Not to mention the beautiful views while hiking in the rain. We love our adventures together.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Students and teachers at the park
Student reading a sign
Student in front of a fish tank
Student and teacher on a hike
We had a blast at our Spring Pep Assembly last Friday. Students and staff participated in relays, tug of war, and musical chairs. Teacher Mock Election winners were also announced. It was a great way to head into the weekend.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Full school body sitting in bleachers
Tug of war team
Teachers holding mock election awards
Teachers holding mock election awards
Come out and support the OV Jazz Band this Wednesday evening at Central Park.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Jazz at the Amp flyer
Our very own, Mrs. Tapley, has been selected as a Grand Prize Winner in The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation Teacher Innovator Awards! Congratulations Mrs. Tapley! We are so proud!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Mrs. Tapley, winner of The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation Teacher Innovator Award
Congratulations to the Oak Valley Boys Track Team! Yesterday, our boys won the LVC Middle School League Championships. Go Hornets! #Champions
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
LVC Middle School League Champs
Yesterday, some 7th & 8th grade band students visited Spring Mills to play for them during lunch. Our Hornets did a great job showing the elementary students what band is all about.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Band students performing
Band students playing in cafeteria
The OV Art Show is open tonight until 6:30 pm, and during the school day from 8:00 to 3:00 on Wednesday, May 25. The art students have wonderful work to display!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
mom and daughter at the art show