OVMS band students in 7th and 8th grades participated in March Musical Madness at Milford High School with Muir MS. It was a full day of events with instrument clinicians, a stage hypnotist, and lots of food. They worked with guest conductor, Eric Crimmins, to present a fantastic evening concert!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
band in concert
band in concert
🎶 Do you want to build a snowman? 🎶 Over the weekend, students in Mrs. Lukes' math classes were challenged to do just that. Mission accomplished and great work, Hornets!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Student with snowman
Students with snowman
Student with snowman
Student with snowman
Students with snowman
Students with snowman
Student with snowman
Student with snowman
Student with snowman
Student with snowman
OVMS art students enjoy working together on a large group painting project. Their plans are student-driven, and require patience and collaboration.
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two boys painting
three boys painting together
three girls painting while on floor
three girls painting
6th grade scientists "roasted" marshmallows to study heat transfer through conduction, convection and radiation. We love when science is fun, and tastes good too!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
students roasting marshmallows
The Oak Valley Hornets were good luck at last night's Red Wings Game! This was a wonderful fundraiser opportunity for our school. Go Hornets, and LGRW!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
Red Wings Game
OVMS is #SpartanStrong 💚🤍
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
spartan spirit day
Five bilingual eighth graders from OVMS earned high school credits through successful completion of the STAMP test. They demonstrated proficiency in listening, reading, writing, and speaking components of this arduous test. Congratulations on a job well done! They were recognized at the HVS board meeting on February 6. ¡Felicidades!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Five students who passed STAMP test pose with teachers
Oak Valley students joined the HV United Swim Team and enjoyed a great season together! They grew in their aquatic abilities and competed well. We are proud of our super swimmers!!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
swim team group picture
two swimmers wearing goggles
boy on starting block ready to jump into pool
girl swimming in lane
It's still hoop season in the Valley! 6th/7th grade girls continue to work hard and show improvement in every game. 8th grade girls are focused on staying undefeated! Both teams demonstrate grit and we're very proud of them. Our next games are at Milford High School, against Muir, at 5 and 6 PM on Feb. 1. Come cheer on your Hornets!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls basketball
girls basketball
Spanish Students enjoyed a Rosca de Reyes after they completed their semester exams. Four lucky students found the hidden babies in their slice of cake. Traditionally a Rosca de Reyes (or Pan de Reyes) is eaten on January 6th and whoever finds the hidden baby will host a family gathering at their house.
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two girls show toy babies found in King Cake
three students show plastic babies found in cake
In sixth grade social studies, students created Google Slideshows showcasing the eight traits of culture and how the traits relate to themselves. Sixth grade social studies students then presented their Culture projects at our annual Culture Day celebration. Students brought in artifacts and food to go along with their presentations and shared them with parents, students, and teachers. We had a wonderful time trying new foods and learning about other students' cultures.
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
culture day celebration
culture day celebration
culture day celebration
culture day celebration
Congratulations to our January Students of the Month! Recognized by OV staff for exhibiting positive character qualities, these students were honored at a breakfast celebration sponsored by Brett Myers of BluSky Restoration. https://www.goblusky.com/
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Students of the Month hold certificates
The OVMS Wrestling Team is ferocious! The fearless Hornets have won their first two meets this year against WLMS and CHS. We are proud of your determination and hard work! (Many thanks to Elvis the Cat Photography for capturing these moments.)
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
One wrestler turns another to pin him on mat
two wrestlers in a match
two wrestlers face each other
one wrestler pins another
6th Grade Choir and Band students enjoyed a night out to see the Blue Man Group on Friday. They started the evening with games at the arcade, bowling and dinner, followed by the performance at the Wharton Center for Performing Arts in East Lansing. Thank you to Mr. Hogaboom and Mrs. Samuels for this wonderful opportunity!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students at performance
students at performance
students bowling
students playing arcade games
Mr. DeBono led his U.S. History students on a scavenger hunt to study Westward expansion and the Gold Rush. Students played the role of ‘49ers in hopes of discovering gold out west. They looked for "gold nugget" QR codes to answer questions about the Gold Rush. The smiles on their faces say it all!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Students collaborating on a project
Students collaborating on a project
Students collaborating on a project
Students collaborating on a project
Come join our cast and crew for the spring musical production! Next week, there will be an information session for Annie, Jr., with auditions the following week. Hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Annie Jr. info flier
Using smart sticks, our art students design and build a tower for the greatest height!
over 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students build a tower with wooden sticks
Congratulations to our December Students of the Month! By exhibiting character qualities such as leadership or positive treatment of others, they were nominated for recognition by OV staff. Our celebration included a breakfast sponsored by SensCy Inc. https://senscy.com/
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Students of the Month hold certificates
Principal Durso talks to families in library
Our 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Choirs presented “December Stories” this week. They shared wonderful renditions of holiday favorites and seasonal tales. Directed by Samantha Samuels and accompanied by David Bassin, the concert was a heart-warming success! In addition, we enjoyed listening to vocal music groups from Lakeland High School.
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
audience listens to choir sing
students sing in choir room
choir students sing on stage
High school singers at concert
Our 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team is headed to the playoffs tonight! On Monday, Dec. 19, this game is away at Mason Middle School in Waterford, and begins at 5:00 pm. Come cheer on our Hornets!!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
8th grade boys basketball team photo