The zero increase bond proposal will be on the May 7 ballot. This funding would make upgrades to two future middle school spaces (east and west in the district) possible.
6 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
HVS Bond 2024 Upgrades.  For details, visit
HVS Bond 2024 Upgrades.  For details, visit
Our girls' basketball teams have wrapped up their seasons! The 6/7th grade team made it to the district finals but lost to a tough Centennial Middle School team. Congratulations to both of our teams on great seasons. Go Hornets!
6 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
8th grade girls basketball team
7th grade girls basketball team
The OV Leadership Class hosted our St. Patrick's Dance this week. With guessing games, dancing to music, crafts, open gym, and a cake walk, our students had a fun celebration!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls guess how many coins in jar
students dancing
students walk the cake walk circle
boy picks a prize from bucket
ring toss game in action
girl picks prize
students at tattoo booth
students eating pizza
students make crafts at table
Congratulations to all OV Choirs for their achievements at the MSVMA Choir Festival. Each group sang beautifully and we couldn't be more proud of their effort and poise. All three choirs earned an Excellent rating, which is the highest rating a choir can receive. This reflects a judicial rating of their performance and sight-reading skills. Congratulations to director Mrs. Samuels, accompanist Ms. Autry, and our hard-working students!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
choir listens to judge
choir uses hand motions
medals earned by choir
accompanist with choir
choir sits at table
choir shows solfege exercise
choir listens to judge
Our 6th/7th Grade Girls Basketball Team won the district tournament semi-final game last night against Clifford Smart MS! We are so proud of their hard work, as they came from behind to clinch the win. The team was down 14-10 at halftime and outscored their opponents 22-12 in the second half. The girls made five big free throws in the game. We play at Centennial for the championship tomorrow (March 13) at 4:00 pm. Go Hornets!!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girl getting ready to catch basketball
girls watch ball go in net
girl passes the ball
girl passing the ball
girl guarding the opponents
girl dribbling down the court
girl at free throw line
girl prepares to pass the ball
girls reach for rebound
girl hug to celebrate win
Our 8th graders visited Lakeland and Milford High Schools this week. They toured the building, ate in the cafeteria, met with Leadership students, and listened to presentations by counselors and administrators. Students, remember to submit your high school schedule choices by Friday, March 15!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 girls standing by weight machine
students hold folders in hallway
4 boys smile in hallway
3 boys eat in cafeteria
students with t-shirts in cafeteria
two boys at table in library
two girls smile in hallway
boys smile at cafeteria table
4 girls pose in cafeteria
This week, Oak Valley 7th graders visited the Museum of Natural History at the University of Michigan. Students viewed a cow eye dissection and fossils (including a lab prepping fossils), built DNA molecules, toured inside a life sized cell, enjoyed a planetarium show, and more. It was a fun day of learning outside the classroom!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two girls hold cell models
two boys see wooly mammoth bone
two girls look at cell model
boys sit around a table
girl looks at screen
5 girls stand by sign about Michigan
students watch cow dissection
students paint microworlds
girl puts foot on fossil rock
The Oak Valley 7th and 8th Grade Bands received instruction from conductor Randall Standridge at March Musical Madness! They rehearsed today to prepare for the big concert at MHS tonight!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
conductor leads the band
band performs a tune
students play instruments
conductor with students playing instruments
clarinets play music
conductor takes selfie with students
students in the back of the band
students play clarinets
students play oboes
Both OV Girls Basketball teams defeated Pierce Middle School last night at home. Showing tenacity, skillful shooting, and great defense, our Hornets triumphed!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls shoots free throw
girl shoots a lay up
girl shoots toward basket
girl passes basketball
girl at the basket with ball
girls await a rebound
girl throwing a shot
team poses for picture holding a girl up
In the laboratory for sixth grade science classes, students are studying heat transfer. Through convection and radiation, the marshmallow becomes roasted! We love hands-on learning!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students in lab by heat lamp
girls hold marshamallows over hot beaker
3 students sit by heat lamp
two girls hold roasted marshmallows
two boys smile with marshmallows on sticks
two students roasting marshmallows in lab
girl smiles with roasted marshmallow
students roast marshmallows in lab
Our girls basketball teams are enjoying their seasons. Special shoutout to our 6/7th grade team who are battling for the second place spot in the Lakes Valley Conference!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
Girls basketball teams enjoying their season
The Oak Valley Wrestling Team is undefeated! Garnering personal victories along the way, they face their opponents with determination. Next up, they travel to Pierce Middle School on Feb. 26. Our team is improving every day and your coaches are so proud of the hard work and effort you put into being not just a good wrestler but a better human. Many thanks to Elvis the Cat Photography for the fabulous pictures!
7 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
wrestler flips another in the air
two wrestlers face each other on mat
two wrestlers face each other
two wrestlers grab each other by the shoulders
two wrestlers face each other
wrestler flips another in order to pin
two wrestlers look each other in the eye
wrestler overcomes his opponent
two wrestlers in a match
wrestler twists opponent on the mat
The HVS United Cheer Team had their final competition of the season. They came in second place at the Middle School Competitive Cheer Championship in Mason, Michigan. Congratulations to the HVS Titans!
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls in cheerleader uniforms with trophy
girls cheer in formation
cheerleader flips in middle of routine
This week, OV Spanish students read an article about Los Castells (the Spanish tradition of making human towers). Afterward students broke into groups and made their own towers out of dixie cups to see which group could make the tallest tower! El grupo con la torre más alta era el grupo de Coben E., Zach T, Asher B y Dylan E. (71 pulgadas)
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
winners stand by tallest tower of cups
girls building tower on floor with cups
girls stand by tower they made from cups
girls make tower on the floor
The OV 6th Grade Team hosted Culture Day last week. In their Social Studies classes, students are applying the elements of culture (language, social groups, religion, economics, etc.) to their own experiences. Through slideshows, they presented their culture (with artifacts and ethnic food) for parents and guests in the Media Center. We all enjoyed this enriching activity!
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girl shows culture project slide on chromebook
boy holds up flag
3 girls smile during Culture Day
boy holds up picture of family symbol
Girl shows German culture artifact
girl with relatives in library
Members of Oak Valley Sixth Grade Choir and Bands enjoyed a fun night out with dinner and a show! Students and chaperones listened to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra as they played amazing music along with scenes from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls eating dinner at a table
boys play an arcade game
two boys pose in front of Harry Potter flags
students and chaperone seated before the show
students in seats before concert
two girls in seats in audience
orchestra with Harry Potter on the screen on stage
The Huron Valley United Titans Cheerleading Team captured First Place at the LVC League Competition at Waterford Kettering! Congratulations to the girls representing all three middle schools in our district! You've got the spirit!
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
cheerleaders smile and clap on floor
cheerleader in a lift
cheerleaders stand in circle
cheerleaders with a flip in motion
cheerleaders in formation
In Pre-Engineering classes, students use their imagination and pretend the world has experienced an epic disaster. There is no electricity, telephone, or internet. People have to survive by purifying their own water, hunting or growing their own food, and building a structure to live in. These seventh graders demonstrate their innovation!
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
2 girls build house with newspaper
one boy with house he built
boy sits by cardboard house
girls use glue guns to build
3 girls make cardboard houses
boy uses glue gun
2 boys build cardboard houses
2 girls with house project
The OV Craft Club had fun creating Sand Art and forming Shrinky Dinks. This intramural group meets each Wednesday after school. Come join us!
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two girls paint with sand
girl making sand art
club making shrinky dink art
students smile around a table
4 students smile at a table
students painting cups
The Huron Valley Titans United Middle School Cheer Team competed in Brighton's Best last week. They looked very professional and did a great job! The girls represent all three middle schools in HVS.
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
cheerleaders do the splits
cheerleaders sit on stairs
cheerleaders on the mat in formation