The Huron Valley Titans United Middle School Cheer Team competed in Brighton's Best last week. They looked very professional and did a great job! The girls represent all three middle schools in HVS.
8 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
cheerleaders do the splits
cheerleaders sit on stairs
cheerleaders on the mat in formation
Congratulations to the cast and crew of The Alibis, as they presented a fabulous mystery play last night! Their hard work was evident in this wonderful production! Thank you to Mrs. Samuels and our volunteer parents for making this possible!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girl with light saber
actors with coffee cup
two chef characters speak with pirate
three girls on stage by chair
two actors fight over candy
sleuth speaks with suspects
patient on table in front of student actors
toxic waste sign held in the play
two actors speak by couch
students after play in hallway
Students had fun decorating their classroom doors before break. Mr. Snow's seminar won the contest with "The Grinch," Ms. Giannotta's seminar came in second place with "Chillin' with My Gnomies," and Mrs. Samuel's seminar captured third place with "Singing Loud." We enjoyed seeing all the creativity and collaboration involved in this project!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
door with grinch on it
Door with Gnomes in pictures
door with singing snowman
door with Starbucks picture
door with hot cocoa picture
door with cookie pictures
door with penguins on it
door with snow in picture
door with lights and snowmen
door with paper decorations
The Huron Valley United Swim Team competed successfully with Waterford and Walled Lake Geisler/Banks last night. Twelve students from OVMS participate in this united middle school team. We are proud of our skillful and spirited swimmers! (Photo credit M Woolace)
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
swimmers diving off the plastforms
boy swimming in pool
swimmers taking their mark before a race
swimmers doing backstroke
one girl diving into pool
Cast members from The Alibis gave a sneak peek of the play today! The students have done a wonderful job preparing for this murder mystery, featuring seven short crime comedies. The show begins at 6:30 pm tomorrow (Thursday, January 11) at OVMS! Tickets are $3 for students, $5 for adults, with a $15 maximum per family.
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
four characters on benches
sleuth character wears a coat
two characters talk on a bench
Our winter pep assembly was the best way to end the week! Shout out to all the students & staff that participated in the events. Have a great break Hornets!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
winter pep assembly
In our Spanish classes, we learned about the Caga Tió. Mrs. Chwalek brought in her Tió de Nadal to show us this interesting Spanish Holiday Tradition.
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students stand by log from Spain
students in library by Spanish log
students surround a log from Spain
Congratulations to Mrs. Samuels and her choir students on a beautiful winter concert last night! A big thank you to the LHS choir students for their performance, and for joining our Hornets on a few songs!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
choir concert
choir concert
choir concert
choir concert
choir concert
choir concert
choir concert
choir concert
choir concert
Oak Valley art students in grades 6-8 are creating with clay! After their pieces are finished, they will dry and bake in the kiln. Then students will add finishing touches with glaze in January. We love to expand our experience with various mediums in art class!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
boy molds clay in hands
two boys smile holding clay
girl molding clay
boy molding clay ball
boy smiles with clay bowl
two girls mold clay
boy molds clay
boy makes clay bowl
two girls smile at art table
In a lab for sixth grade science, we saw the sparks fly when we exploded gummy bears! This is created by heating potassium chlorate to a liquid, and combining it with the sugar and gelatin in the gummy bear. We love active learning in the science lab!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
science teacher talks to class
student points to flame in lab
teacher in science lab
The HVS middle schools came together last week to perform a holiday concert at Oak Valley Middle School. Students from Muir and White Lake joined the Oak Valley choirs to collaborate on songs and perform for a packed house. The festive event ended with a family fun sing along!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
bass voices singing together
choir director conducting group
choir sings with hands outstretched
girls singing in choir
singers with hands clasped
4 choir directors pose together
The OV Bands presented a fantastic concert last night! It's amazing to see all that our musicians can do! The audience enjoyed listening to two 7th/8th Bands, Beginning Band, Jazz Band, and the Huron Valley Marching Band! Congratulations to Don Hogaboom, our band director. Way to play, Hornets!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
7th and 8th graders play in concert
6th grade band in concert
students play instruments in concert
In the science lab, sixth graders investigated how a liquid mixture can undergo a phase change and turn into a solid mixture, which we know as ice cream!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 students mix ice cream in bags
2 students with ice cream
3 students at science table
3 students mix ice cream ingredients
3 students eat ice cream
3 students eat ice cream
students mix ice cream in bag
students mixing ice cream in bag
Our 7th Grade Pre-Engineering students designed and built unique roller coasters, with the goal of slowing down the roll of the ball. Using creativity with calculations, they were quite successful!!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 boys show roller coasters made of straws
2 girls pose with roller coasters
girls with roller coasters on their table
2 boys begin a ball rolling on their coaster
girl smiles by roller coaster she made
3 girls pose by roller coaster they build together
boys work on roller coasters at their table
2 boys smile by their roller coaster
2 boys look at their roller coaster
The Oak Valley 7th and 8th Grade Bands enjoyed a wonderful opportunity to march in the Milford Holiday Parade on Saturday. They worked together to stay in sync and create a great sound! Way to go, Hornets!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
marching band members play saxophones
students march with trombone and tubas
students play trombones
students march with tubas
marching band behind banner
students smile and hold instruments
students pose with clarinets
Students in Mr. DeBono's 7th Grade Social Studies planned and performed skits about social classes in Ancient Egypt!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students wrap another as a mummy
students sitting with crowns on heads
students in a skit
students with a mummy wrapped in toilet paper
students with a pond in skit
students smile at end of skit
6th graders had another great day tie-dying t-shirts and enjoying time together! Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers - we couldn't do it without you! Remember to wear your new shirts for Class Color Day on Monday, November 27th.
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
The smiles say it all! We had the BEST time at the Michigan Science Center today with all of the 6th graders! A big THANK YOU to the chaperones who made this trip possible.
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
mi science center
Boy's Basketball is underway here at the hive! Our Hornets were welcomed by OVMS basketball alumni to LHS last week to play in the big gym against a district rival, the White Lake Warriors. We are so excited to see all that they accomplish this season! Their schedule can be found on our website. As always, GO HORNETS!
11 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
The Oak Valley Middle School Robotics Teams competed at Freeland Middle School on Saturday. The Buzzin' Bots finished in 9th place and the STEAM Stingers finished in 17th place out of 36 teams. With a lot of hard work, the teams created robots that were able to score points in every category. Together the teams won 7 of 10 matches. In addition, the teams presented their robot to judges in order to express what they have accomplished. For fun the robotics teams gave out homemade awards, like Awesome Pit Display and Great Team Mascot, to their favorite competitor schools. The STEAM Stingers and Buzzin' Bots are looking forward to competing at Novi Middle School on November 18. Matches run between 11-3:30 and entry is free if you’d like to come cheer them on for a few matches!
11 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Robotics team poses as a group
Students watch a robot
Two students direct a robot
Robots perform in a meet