Come on down to Milford tonight for the Free Jazz Band Concert! Oak Valley and Muir Middle School Jazz Bands will be featured at the SHAC, 125 S. Main Street, from 6:30 to 8 pm. See you then!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Jazz @ the SHAC featuring the Muir middle school jazz band and the Oak Valley middle school jazz band.  125 S Main Street, Milford.  May 29th, 6:30-8 pm, Free!
Eighth graders in Mrs. Rowley's Engineering classes designed and built catapults. After launching, they measured the distance to evaluate the effectiveness of their designs. What's next for Engineering students? Battle Bots!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students discuss their catapults in hallway
students stand with catapults they built
Seventh grade science students explored their backyard ecosystems, identifying biotic and abiotic components. They used new digital microscopes, obtained through a grant from the HVEF (Huron Valley Education Foundation). The Foundation does a lot to support HV kids! We are so thankful the students can benefit and use new tools for hands-on learning.
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
4 students use digital microcope outside
4 girls measure and look at microcope on phone
girl and boy look at microscope outside
students outside with digital microcope, holding chromebooks
The OV Bands played for a packed house this week! The 6th Grade, 7th/8th Grade, and Jazz Bands performed a wide variety of music with crowd-pleasing favorites. It's amazing to see how far they have come! Their performance reflected Oak Valley pride, and their hard work was rewarded with a visit from the ice cream truck!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students play trumpets
students play saxophones
students play drums
band instruments and chairs in front of audience in bleachers
band sits in chairs facing audience in bleachers
crowd waits in line by ice cream truck
The OV 6th Grade Choir used Boomwhackers, or tuned percussion tubes, during class this week. They followed the music and took turns playing their own particular notes in order to create the melody. Way to work together, Hornets!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students play percussion tubes in a row
students watch screen with percussion tubes in hand
girls with percussion tubes
students ready to play boomwhackers
OV Art students recently completed watercolor projects. Their beautiful paintings of birds, flowers, and landscapes are so unique! Our art teacher, Mrs. Drahozal, is very proud of her students and their creative work!!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
watercolor painted scene with mushrooms and fairies
watercolor scenes
watercolor paintings of flowers
watercolor paintings of birds
watercolor paintings of flowers
Eighth grade science students enjoyed a field trip to the Detroit Zoo this week! The animals were out basking in the sun on this beautiful day! Students participated in a Learning Lab for hands-on discovery about habitats and climate on Isle Royale. Thank you to our chaperones!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students with learning lab experiment
students on wooden bridge in zoo
boys at penguin exhibit
students watch penguins
girls in learning lab
students measure a tray
students watch polar bear swim
giraffe standing outside
students walk on zoo path
Congratulations to the cast and crew of "Emma!" as they presented a fabulous musical last weekend! They shared their amazing talents through singing, dancing, and collaborative work behind the scenes, as their wonderful production received a standing ovation! Many thanks to Mrs. Samuels and our parent volunteers (and family photographers)!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Emma sings while student wear sunglasses in background
wedding scene with flower girl
boy and girl sing together
3 girls sing holding magazines
girl sings with microphone while other girls dance
rock band in a play
rock star sings while girls lean in
girls raise hands while dancing
2 girls talk in middle of stage
cast and crew in group photo
We hope you can place your vote tomorrow, May 7! The zero-increase bond for Huron Valley Schools is on the ballot!
5 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
HVS Bond 2024 Upgrades.  For details, visit
HVS Bond 2024 Upgrades.  For details, visit
HVS Bond 2024 Upgrades.  For details, visit
The OV Track Team is having a great season! At a recent meet, they were recognized for showing great sportsmanship. Boys and girls team members also set new school records! We are so proud of our Hornets! Photos courtesy of Elvis the Cat Photography.
5 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
boy passes baton in relay
girl passes baton in relay
boy throws shot put
girl jumps high bar
girl runs from starting block
boy jumps high bar
The OV DC Trip was truly amazing. Our 8th graders asked good questions and showed respect at Gettysburg, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and many other important sites. We are so proud of our students! And we are thankful for great guides, great parents, and a great experience!
5 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students pose outside a DC memorial
boys pose at Gettysburg
group of students in front of cathedral
boys pose with statues in line
students at memorial in DC
girls pose in front of Washington mall
line of students at base of Washington Memorial
chaperones pose under Iwo Jima
girls stand by fountain
The Oak Valley Robotics teams hosted an open house for students who might be interested in joining next year. Oak Valley students going into grades 6, 7, and 8 are all welcome to become part of this educational, fun experience. There will be hands-on opportunities to learn programming, robot design, and marketing; and to be part of an amazing team that works and learns together. This fall, the team will be given a specific, detailed challenge, and they will compete with middle schools from around the state. If your student is interested, or if you have any questions, please contact Coach Jeff Senk at
5 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
2 girls make paper bees
coach talks with student
boy drives a robot
boy speaks from podium
2 girls make a paper bee
Students who are currently in 5th, 6th, or 7th grades are invited to an Open House for the OVMS Robotics Team this Monday, April 29, at 5 pm. If you are interested in joining the team this fall, come and see what Robotics is all about!
5 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students drive a robot at competition
OVMS Robotics 2024-2025.  Hello future or current Oak Valley students!  We are inviting you to our open house April 29th from 5 to 6 pm at the Oak Valley LGI for anyone that is interested.  We are looking for current 5th, 6th, and 7th graders to join our 2024-2025 OVMS Robotics team.  Come see and drive the robot, learn about the team, participate in a craft, and meet the coach and some of our team members!  Official season kicks off in September and ends in November.  You will learn with your teammates and build new experiences along the way!  Some new things you have an opportunity to learn are programming, building, and marketing skills.  Meetings are twice a week, days yet to be determined.  We build a new robot every year from scratch.
April is testing time! The 8th graders completed the PSAT, and now all grades are taking the M-Step. Mrs. Marshall's Spanish class pitched in to stack all the tables and chairs in the gym after PSAT day. We are so grateful for your support!
5 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Mrs. Marshall's spanish class poses for a group photo
OV Choirs and Communication Arts students went to Lakeland High School today to watch scenes from "The Descendants" musical! They enjoyed a backstage tour and a question-answer session. The cast and crew at LHS (including alumni from OVMS) created a wonderful production, under the direction of Becky Hogaboom. We hope you can see the show this weekend (April 19-21)!
5 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
alumni cast members post together
cast members line up on stage
3 girls sit in audience
audience member asks question in microphone
8th grade students enjoyed a visit to the OSTC SW campus today. They heard from students in each of the programs offered, as well as the many opportunities they have to offer for our kiddos in their junior and senior year.
6 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
8th grade students explore the OSTC campus
Oak Valley students enjoyed viewing the Solar Eclipse at a Watch Party after school today! With special glasses supplied by HVS, we could see this rare phenomenon!
6 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two girls with special sunglasses
boys wear special sunglasses at watch party
two teachers wear sunglasses
4 students wear sunglasses
students on a hillside watch the eclipse
OV 6th and 7th Grade Bands joined the HV United High School Wind Ensemble to present a fabulous concert last night. In a round-robin style, they each took turns playing songs, then combined for the grand finale. The audience filled the room and enjoyed the wonderful music!
6 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
band plays in concert
3 bands perform in the gym
The Bass Voice Choir Tour provided a great opportunity for students in our OV Choir to unite with other HV middle school and high school singers in the district. Together, they prepared and presented a concert for elementary students during an afternoon tour.
6 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
boys in the choir stand together
low voices sing in auditorium
The OV Wrestling Team had a fantastic season! They earned Third Place in the Lakes Valley Conference Meet, and earned individual medals at the Oakland County Meet. Congratulations to Coach Lauri Rowley, Assistant Coach Mario Flores, and our mighty team!
6 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
wrestling team poses in uniforms