
2025-2026 H.V.S. Course Book: This course book contains guidance for exploring career pathways as well as detailed descriptions of courses offered at Lakeland.

Schedule Change Policy : Please keep in mind that your schedule was created based on your selections during online scheduling the previous year. Teacher staffing, course offerings, and instructional supplies are all based on your course selections. Unfortunately, schedule change requests based on teacher preference or changing of your mind about course selections cannot be accommodated. 

Scheduling Process : Students request their course work for the following school year each February/March. Students are encouraged to put ample time, consideration, and research information regarding the courses they are signing up for. This should be a discussion as a family in addition to meeting individually with their school counselor during the scheduling process.

Application Courses

Many courses require students to complete an application for enrollment. If a paper application is not required, the instructor will use criteria captured from others means such as grades, final exam scores, standardized test scores, & teacher feedback to determine if a student is accepted into that course. These are often accelerated or Advanced Placement courses that require a student has previously demonstrated academic ability, commitment, and dependability. Applications are available below by clicking on the link in the Course Application column. Students will be advised in the months of April and May on their status for acceptance into AP / Honors / Application courses.

A.P. Courses : Please visit our Advanced Placement course page for more information on A.P. course and exam information.

Application Due Date: March 10th, 2025.

A.P. Courses

A.P. Course



Course Application

A.P. Biology

Ms. Beckett

11, 12

Not Required

A.P. Calculus AB

Mrs. Leitheim

11, 12

Not Required

A.P. Chemistry

Mr. McDonald

11, 12

Not Required

A.P. Computer Science Principles

Mr. Perry / Mr. Lebutt

10, 11, 12

AP Computer Science Principles Application

A.P. Computer Science A

Mr. Perry

10, 11, 12

AP Computer Science A Application

A.P. Economics

Mr. Demongey

11, 12

Not Required

A.P. English Language

Mr. Perry


AP English Language Application

A.P. English Literature

Mrs. Miska & Mrs. Aills


AP English Literature Application

A.P. Environmental Science

Mr. Lebutt

10, 11, 12

Not Required

A.P. Government

Mr. Howe

11, 12

Not Required

A.P. Human Geography

Mr. Leitheim


AP Human Geography Application

A.P. Physics 1 & A.P. Physics C

Ms. Woodard

10*, 11, 12

Not Required

A.P. Psychology

Mrs. Mueller

10, 11, 12

Not Required

A.P. Statistics

Mrs. Prior

11, 12

Not Required

A.P. United States History

Mrs. Durham


AP US History Application

A.P. PreCalculus

Mr. Hoover

11, 12

Not Required

Other advanced or specialized courses that may require applications:

Application Course



Course Application

Applied Video Internship

Mr. Rolando

10, 11, 12

Not Required

Honors E.L.A. 9

Mr. Hull


Honors E.L.A. 9 Application

Honors E.L.A. 10

Mr. Head


Honors E.L.A. 10 Application

Career Internship

Ms. Engel

11, 12

Career Internship Application

Oakland Schools Technical Campus

See Counselor

11, 12

OSTC Application

School Store 

Ms. Rubin

10, 11, 12

School Store Application

Student Leadership

Mr. Farquhar

11, 12

Student Leadership Application

Teacher Cadet

Ms. Engel

11, 12

Teacher Cadets Application

Dual Enrollment



See your counselor