"Giving Leaders the Ability To Lead"

Lakeland Leadership is an elective class at Lakeland. This class immerses the students in many of the large scale activities held each year at Lakeland High School. These activities include such things as Homecoming, Holiday Hope for Kids, and the Mock Car Crash/Anti Drinking and Driving/Texting and Driving programs.
The class is divided up into two distinct semesters in a non-traditional schedule. The class starts in the winter semester by teaching such things as leadership skills and theories, group dynamics, time management skills, and team building skills. Later in the winter semester the class becomes more activity orientated by conducting such school events as the Lakeland's Drinking and Driving Awareness Week, and also Staff Appreciation Week. The second semester of the class is the following fall semester where many of the major events, such as Homecoming and Holiday Hope for Kids take place. This class is not always for the students who are already doing everything at Lakeland. This class is for the student who is a hard worker, who has a good work ethic, and who is willing to put the time and effort into something that can make a difference in the lives of others at Lakeland. The class involves large amounts of time working on school activities outside of the normal school day setting up, working, and tearing down events that are conducted and planned by the class. The class is available to all Lakeland students starting with the second semester of their sophomore year. Entry into the class is by application only.
Follow us on Instagram: @lhs__leadership
"People don't by the what you do, they buy the why you do it" - Simon Sinek