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Lakeland PTSA Logo


✔ Do you want to make a positive impact on the lives of Lakeland students?

✔ Do you want to enhance the educational experience by being present and involved at Lakeland and in the HVS District?

Do you want an opportunity to get to know the Principal, teachers and staff, and have an opportunity to voice your questions or concerns?  

✔ Do you want to meet with other parents who have experience dealing with high school/teen issues?  

If so, attend LHS PTSA meetings! The first meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, September 13th at 7pm. Our other meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm at Lakeland.  

2024-2025 school year PTSA meeting dates are:    

March 12th, 2025, April 9th, 2025, May 14th, 2025, and June 11th, 2025

We hope to see you there! If you are unable to attend but want to be involved, consider volunteering your time, or donating to some of the activities. 

Join the PTSA today:

If you don’t want to join at this time, but wish to be informed on parent involvement opportunities:

For more information, contact 

Parent Postings