Advanced Placement Testing
A.P. Exam Payment : 2024-2025 A.P. exam registration through e-Funds will open in mid-September. As long as students have joined the appropriate sections on College Board's website, they will have a test ordered for them. Payments will be collected in October and November. The registration deadline is November 8th, 2024.
Advanced Placement offers students at Lakeland High School the opportunity to take college-level courses and exams. These courses allow students to potentially earn college credit, fulfill prerequisites for the first year in college, and give themselves an edge in the college admissions process. Students must apply for A.P. courses in the spring each year during online scheduling.
Should you take A.P.? : Why take an A.P. Course and Exam? What does it take to be successful in A.P.
A.P. Exam Schedule 2024-2025: A complete listing of all A.P. Exam dates.
A.P. Preparation Materials : Need help studying for your A.P. Exam?
A.P. College Credit : How many college credits can I earn for passing the A.P. Exams?
A.P. Grading Policy : A.P. courses are graded on a 5.0 scale. Since these are college-level courses, it was determined that A.P. course grading would be weighted. All other courses, including honors courses, are still graded on a 4.0 scale.
A.P. Courses Offered at Lakeland
Click on the name of the A.P. course for the course description and resources provided by College Board. All A.P. course applications are available on the Scheduling page. Please be aware that there are school years when certain AP classes do not run due to low student enrollment.