We're making treehouses in Pre-Engineering! Students creatively and collaboratively design their structure for balance, as each one is unique!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girl builds treehouse platform
girl works on treehouse structure
3 boys give thumbs up with treehouse
treehouse with 2 girls and a boy at table
two girls work on treehouse
Three cyclists from OVMS are on the Huron Valley United Racing Team, which is currently undefeated in the Middle School Composite category. This trophy is from the Heritage Park race. Congratulations!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 cyclists hold trophy
Seventh graders in Pre-Engineering designed, built, and raced electric cars using gears and motors. Pictured here are the first, second, and third place winners from Ms. Rowley's second hour class.
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
2 girls hold trophies with cars
2 students race cars
boy holds trophy and car
Our Cross Country athletes have been working hard this season! We recently participated in the Legends Invitational meet, and are looking forward to the Oakland County Championships and our LVC League Meet. We continue to get better as individuals and as a team. Go Hornets - we LOVE to run!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
CC runners
CC runners
CC runners
CC runners
CC runners
CC runners
CC runners
CC runners
For our Welcome Back Activity, the WEB Leadership students planned a creative party! Students played musical chairs, guessing games, giant tic-tac-toe, volleyball, basketball, and ring toss! They danced with DJ music, decorated with face paint, and ate pizza. It was a great way to celebrate the beginning of our school year!
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
kids at tattoo station
students guessing teacher names
volleyball game in gym
girls making bracelets in library
boys playing Monopoly board game
2 girls by ring toss game
girl applying face paint
kids eating pizza after school
We've got a bright outlook because it's Neon Day at OVMS! Students and staff are shining today, and we just might need our sunglasses! For a list of upcoming Spirit Days, please view this webpage: https://www.hvs.org/o/oakvalley/page/spirit-days
9 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
5 boys wearing neon colors
4 girls in cafeteria wearing pink
3 girls in bright outfits
2 leadership girls in neon colors
2 girls wearing pink
On Sept. 9, the Oak Valley Robotics teams kicked off the 2023-24 season along with the Robotics teams from White Lake Middle School and Muir Middle School. This is the first year Huron Valley Middle School Robotics teams have joined together for sharing and support. After a pizza lunch, the students met the coaches and high school mentors, then saw an exciting video detailing the First Tech challenge and rules for this year. Later they broke into school teams and discussed the tasks they will be working on. Design and Building, Programming, and Marketing are the main components of Robotics. The students will be collaborating and cooperating to fulfill their goals and be ready for their first competition this fall.
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Mentors speak for group
Coach by the robotics field
Mentor with robotics students
Robotics students talk around a table
Oak Valley staff and families kicked off the school year with an Open House. We enjoyed meeting new students and seeing familiar faces too! We're looking forward to a great year together!
10 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
teacher, dad, and student in hall
staff member at ice cream cart
students near food truck
students walking by food truck
The seventh grade class had a great adventure at the Howell Nature Center! They practiced survival skills and used teamwork to face challenges. They enjoyed being outdoors and celebrating the school year together!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students give thumbs up in forest
boy on rope course
students walk across bridge in pond
students stand by tent
students sit under tent
students build a fire
students make a fire
students smile by tent
4 guys build a shelter
team challenge rope walk
Earlier this week, we celebrated our honor students. Congratulations to all of you! Your hard work both in and out of the classroom has paid off. We also recognized a few athletes who won the Dick Yeager award, and a few theater/choir students with the Fine Arts award. We are so proud of all of you, you represent Oak Valley so well! Go Hornets!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
honors night
honors night
honors night
honors night
honors night
honors night
honors night
honors night
honors night
honors night
The seventh and eighth grade band and choir students loved exploring at the Imagination Station in Toledo. Following music workshops at EMU, they investigated the displays at this museum before splashing it up at Castaway Bay! What a fun way to celebrate the school year!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls pose by Imagination sign
two girls stack wooden tower
student looks at intelligent guitar
student pedaling aerial bike
2 girls with tubes in water
2 girls with bowl game
students in tilting room
During the choir/band field trip today, the 7th and 8th grade choir students participated in a vocal clinic with Dr. Brandon Johnson at EMU. They worked on blend, vowel sounds, and expression. Our singers really enjoyed working with him!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
choir sings at EMU
choir on stage with EMU professor
choir makes a sign with EMU professor
teacher demonstrates a horn
Our ELL students enjoyed a wonderful tour of the Detroit Institute of Art! Thank you to Mrs. Ginsbach for arranging this special field trip!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students listen to docent at DIA
students stand by bus
Congratulations to our May Students of the Month. It's tough to show positive character traits and academic focus this late in the school year, but you continue to do that and we are so proud of you! Thank you to our anonymous sponsor for this morning's breakfast.
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students of the month
The cast and crew of "Annie, Jr!" shared a sneak peek of the show with our student body today, and wrapped up their final dress rehearsal. Tomorrow night is opening night! We invite you to join us at 7 pm on May 19, 7 pm on May 20, or 2 pm on May 21. Tickets are available through cash sales at the door ($5 per adult, $3 student/staff, or $15 per family). You won't want to miss this wonderful production!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Grace, Annie and Daddy Warbucks
Rooster, Miss Hannigan, and Lily
crew girls run sound board
Daddy Warbucks sings to crowd
new girl in NYC
8th graders had a GREAT day at the zoo! The weather was amazing and there were many animals out! We also learned from the zoo educators about how climate impacted the wolf population on Isle Royale.
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
students at zoo
At Sixth Grade Orientation today, we were excited to meet our incoming students! We had tours from our WEB leaders, music from band and choir, and we learned about schedule choices for sixth grade. It was a great day and we can't wait until next year!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
leadership class in hall
group on tour in hall
group on tour by cafeteria
group of kids in hallway
welcome sign
students listen to band
choir sings for visitors
Eighth graders enjoyed a day at the Henry Ford Museum on Friday. They took a seat on the Rosa Parks bus and viewed other innovations. They also watched a 3D movie about the Great Bear Rain Forest in the Imax Giant Screen Experience!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students in front of mural at museum
students by Rose Parks' bus
students sitting inside bus
student with face in tv screen
students standing by Oscar Meyermobile
two girls with faces in tv screen
Oak Valley 6th and 7th grade instrumentalists enjoyed the opportunity to play with Lakeland High School Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble students on Tuesday. After rehearsing together, they presented a wonderful concert for the Band-O-Rama!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
band students with clarinets
3 girls with their flutes
band in concert at LHS
It's National Assistant Principal's Week! We are so proud to celebrate our Mrs. Fraza! Since joining us in November, Mrs. Fraza has been learning the ropes at OV and getting to know our students, staff, and families. She brings many gifts and talents to our Oak Valley team and we are so grateful that she is a part of our Hornet Family. Happy Mrs. Fraza Week!
about 1 year ago, Oak Valley Middle School
picture of Sara Fraza, assistant principal