Spanish students learned about the tradition of eating King Bread (Pan de Reyes o Rosca de Reyes) during the holidays. Mardi Gras is a great time to enjoy King Cake in school. Congratulations to Caden, Chase, Gwyn, and Hayden who found the hidden babies in their dessert.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
girls holding the babies from the King Cake
boys holding the babies from the King Cake
Mr. Varner's class learned microwave safety this week by making macaroni and cheese!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
boy stirring macaroni and cheese
boy pouring macaroni and cheese
boy opening macaroni and cheese packet
80's music challenge outside of the choir classroom. Each day, Mrs. Samuels sends out the "match-up" for the day between two 80's songs. Our staff and students vote at the end of seminar. Survive and advance, 80's music style. A perfect way to prepare for March Maddness.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
80's Music March Madness
80's Music March Maddness
80's Music March Maddness
80's Music March Maddness
In Mr. Turner's Social Studies class, seventh graders completed a unit on Ancient China. They made (and played) game boards to demonstrate traveling the Silk Road.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students playing silk road board games
Shout out to these leaders! Aidan Saxton and Molly Phillips, met yesterday with Mrs. Tapley and kicked off our Oak Valley Student Advisory Council. They look forward to recruiting more students for next weeks meeting. Please stay tuned for details on how to join :)
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Student Advisory Council Leaders
We're sending a great big 'Thank You!' to all HVS bus drivers and transportation staff today. Not only do they travel a combined 7,000 miles every day to get our students safely to and from school, field trips and sporting events, they also go above and beyond to support HVS families with their Angel Tree project every year. #HVSProud #NationalBusDriverAppreciationDay
over 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
HVS buses
A great picture of our OV Parent Mentors. Not pictured: Kelli Dungan, Sarah Baidas, Denise Pistana, and Krista Campau. Thank you for all you do!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
OV Parent Mentors
We celebrated our February Students of the Month today with a breakfast sponsored by Heinsight Eyecare! We are thankful for our community, and proud of the character traits which these students exude!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
February Students of the Month
All Huron Valley Schools are closed tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 18, due to weather and road conditions. School resumes Wednesday, Feb. 23, after winter break. Enjoy your snow day!
over 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
snow man
We are so proud of our OV students on the HV United Swim Team! They had a terrific season! Josie B went to the MISCA Middle School meet in Battle Creek and placed in the Backstroke and 400 Freestyle Relay. Coaches Miller and Snyder are extremely pleased with the trajectory of the athletes who competed this season, and they are excited to see what the swimmers and divers accomplish in the coming years!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
swim team group from Oak Valley
two swimmers by pool
Friday, February 11, is the last day to reserve your OVMS yearbook! Please use this link to purchase a yearbook for 2022: Parents of 8th graders have a new deadline of Friday night Feb. 11 to place an ad in the yearbook to honor their students. ($25 for 1/8 page.) Please use the same link (above) to submit your ad. Thank you!!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students reading yearbooks
Our girls basketball teams were victorious tonight in a contest with Pierce Middle School. The Hornets played with strength and spirit!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two sisters on basketball team
basketball players in action
basketball player showing defense
Our 8th grade band members joined students from Muir and Milford to prepare and present a concert together at MHS recently. They enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate and learn from the high school students in the process.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
band members in concert
All Huron Valley Schools will remain closed tomorrow Thursday, Feb. 3, due to weather and road conditions. Be safe and have fun!
over 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
snow day graphic
No need to wear your PJs inside out or sleep with a spoon under your pillow. Due to the forecast of heavy snow, tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 2, is a snow day! Check your email for a letter from Dr. Salah and enjoy the day off!
over 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
snow man says "snow day!"
Sixth graders at Oak Valley presented their heritage to peers and visiting families during a recent "Culture Day" event. Each student created a slideshow and brought in a cultural artifact to display. Some of these items were especially delicious. Shortbread, anyone?
over 2 years ago, Huron Valley Schools
teacher with student
Parents of 8th Graders: The deadline for 8th grade ad submission for our yearbook is Monday, January 31. The 2022 school year is full of amazing memories for your student. Recognition ads are a great way to celebrate your student and their accomplishments on a personal level. Designing and creating your ad is easier than ever. Click on the parent ad link below to to create your ad, or go to Thank you! Parent ad link:
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 students with yearbooks open
Auditions for Beauty and the Beast will take place Monday, Jan. 31, after school. Scan the QR code here for more information to be a part of this "tale as old as time!"
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Beauty and the Beast auditions Jan. 31
Our wrestling team won their first match of the season last night. They were victorious in both duals for a combined score of 100-74. Great work, Hornets!
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
two wrestlers in a match
victorious wrestler holds up arm
Celebrating our January Student of the Month breakfast. We recognized these wonderful students for demonstrating habits of leadership. Thank you Huron Valley State Bank for your sponsorship.
over 2 years ago, Oak Valley Middle School
families celebrating student of the month
OV January students of the month