In recognition of February being Black History Month, Oxbow Elementary has chosen Rosa written by Nikki Giovanni and illustrated by Bryan Collier as our first official Book of the Week. “Purposeful in its telling, this is a handsome and thought-provoking introduction to these watershed acts of civil disobedience.” ―School Library Journal
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
A big thank you to Leo's of White Lake for donating all of the tasty breakfast items for our Student of the Month celebration! Our shining Owls were recognized by teachers and staff for displaying P2 character traits! Way to go Owls! #leaders #oxbowproud #P2
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
This week Students in Mrs. Teskey’s 3rd grade class investigated forces of magnets and made some surprising discoveries. #sciencerules #oxbowproud
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
On this cold day, Mrs. Tingley's 4th graders kept warm by their virtual campfire during Reader's Workshop. What fun atmosphere for them to practice their reading skills!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Oxbow had a successful 1st Domino Run! Thank you to everyone involved that helped to make this event a huge success. Please click the link below to watch the 2022 Oxbow Domino Run Movie.
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Engineers in Mrs. Teskey’s 3rd grade class investigated forces by building bridges and testing designs with pennies. Teamwork and planning made for successful designs. #Oxbowproud #sciencerules
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
We had a very successful 1st Cereal Domino Run at Oxbow today! Thank you to all of our families that donated over the last couple of months. We were able to raise over 800 boxes of cereal that were donated to White Lake Presbyterian Church's food pantry. #onecommunity #oxbowproud
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Be sure to check out these great events from HV Recreation and Community ED. Please note that the Dances advertised on this flier are separate events, and are NOT associated with the Oxbow Elementary Dances.
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
winter events hvs
Thank you to our amazing Oxbow families for donating to our contactless Bottle Drive in which all proceeds will go towards helping to support 5th Grade Camp this year! #oxbowproud
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Bottle Drive
Save the Date for Oxbow's upcoming Mother/Son and Daddy/Daughter Dances!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Be sure to check out Oxbow's upcoming Empower Hour!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Oxbow's Penny Wars starts next week! What a fun way to practice identifying money values and counting coins, while also helping our Oxbow Community!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
2nd grade had a blast learning about different careers today during Tech. Time!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Be sure to help support Oxbow with our upcoming bottle drive!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
bottle drive
Check out January's OPC News!!!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Oxbow 5th graders have been working hard learning how to code and program real life robots. Here, Mrs. Hewitt's class is shown completing an Ozobot Challenge directing the Ozobot to walk in the shape of a square while also changing its top light color. What a great way to practice their STEM skills during Tech. Time!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
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Oxbow would like to give a huge thank you to All Saints Lutheran and the White Lake Presbyterian Church. You're continued support will provide many of our families a wonderful Holiday season!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Holiday help
Check out our Oxbow Kindergarteners having a blast practicing their architect skills during Tech. Time! What a great way to build upon their STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Math) skills!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
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We are so lucky to have such a supportive and loving school community! #oxbowproud
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
Holiday Shop
Teskey kids making some important budgeting decisions at the Holiday Shop. Thank you OPC for helping us spread some holiday cheer!
about 3 years ago, Oxbow Elementary
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