Online Back to School Process

Dear Oxbow Families:
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are requiring all families to complete the Back-to-School packet, an online registration process. Starting August 1st, the Online Back-to-School process will be available to families by logging into Skyward Family Access. Families are encouraged to complete this process at home.
PLEASE NOTE: It is crucial that you complete the additional Emergency Contacts for your child in Step 2e. Without your permission, we can not release a student to anyone other than those listed as an Emergency Contact. Also, the system will only allow you to add these contacts under the following relationships: Mother, Father, Relative, or Other.
This process needs to be completed in order to view your child’s schedule by Tuesday, August 27th after 4:00 pm.
Open Computer Lab- For any families needing assistance, HVS will provide an open computer lab at the Brooks Center. This lab will have computers available and a staff member present for all parents/guardians needing help.
Brooks Center
1000 Hill Rd
White Lake, Mi 48383
Wednesday, August 7th
5:30 - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, August 20th
5:30 - 8:00 pm
Justine Greenleaf
Principal of Oxbow Elementary School
General Information:
Attendance Line: 248-684-8074
Required Documentation:
For information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other Notification/Compliance Statements, please visit our Notification and Compliance Statement page. FERPA information can also be found on page 4 in the Code of Student Conduct.
Miscellaneous Applications/Forms/Documents/Links:
3rd Grade Reading Guidance:
Health Plan of Care Forms:
Plan of Care forms can be obtained by visiting our HVS' Health & Wellness page. If you have questions regarding the completion of the Plan of Care, please feel free to contact Student Support Services at 248-684-8236 to assist in the administration of these document. All health plans expire at the close of the current school year and a new authorized health plan must be submitted prior to the start of each school year.
Medication: If your child requires medication, prescription or non-prescription, during school hours, the school must have consent from a doctor. Please visit the Health and Wellness page, to access the appropriate form for your child's needs. District personnel cannot accept medication or administer medication without documentation from a physician.
Medical Conditions: In addition to administration of medication, some students require a health plan to provide optimal support for medical concerns such as asthma, allergies, seizures, etc. If your child requires a health plan, please visit the Health and Wellness page, to access the appropriate form for your child's needs. Once completed and signed by the physician, please provide the form to your child's school.