
Here are many EASY and NO EXTRA COST Oxbow Fundraisers. With just a little effort, we can raise money for books, equipment, supplies and more to help our kids' education.

Kroger Community Rewards with enrolled Kroger Plus Card

To Enroll (enrollment must be done online)
Go to KrogerCommunityRewards  & scroll down the page to Michigan & click ENROLL NOW Oxbow's school number for Kroger is 83114.

Kroger requires that EVERY member re-register yearly in April

This is an easy way to help Oxbow raise extra money and does NOT affect your fuel points

Kroger donates money to our school every time your enrolled Kroger Plus Card is used.

Dine to Donate - Restaurant Nights

Refer to the monthly OPC calendar to find the latest fundraising dates for Applebee's and Hungry Howies. A percentage of sales will be donated back to Oxbow on these designated dates.

Skate Night 

Refer to the monthly OPC calendar to find the latest dates for family skate nights at the Rolladium in Waterford. Oxbow will receive a $1 donation for every paying skater once we have reached 50 participants.  

Box Tops for Education

Clip Box Tops from hundreds of your favorite products and send them in to your child’s teacher. Each Box Top is worth 10¢ for Oxbow!

Donor Choose

Search School- Oxbow Elementary White Lake to support teacher classrooms.

Oliver's Labels

Spirit Wear Link