May 10, 2024 

Good afternoon Oxbow Families, 

We hope this email finds you well and filled with joy as we celebrate the wonderful mothers within our school community. Today, we honor the love, strength, and unwavering support that mothers provide every day.

To all the amazing moms, grandmothers, aunts, and special people out there, thank you for your endless sacrifices, boundless love, and tireless efforts in shaping the lives of our students. Your guidance and nurturing spirit are truly appreciated and admired.

On behalf of Oxbow Elementary, we extend our warmest wishes for a Happy Mother's Day! May your day be filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones.


Also, as we wrap up our Staff Appreciation Week, thank you to OPC and all of our families who reached out with kind words, tokens of appreciation, flowers, and other kind gestures throughout the week. This did not go unnoticed and it truly made staff feel appreciated on their special week. Please know, that our staff always goes above and beyond for our students. Our Owls are the reason that we are here and the reason that work so hard every day. #WeAreOxbow



May 13th- 5th Grade iSTEM Field Trip to COE (lunch stays the same for 5th)

May 15 - Applebee’s 4-9 pm

May 17 - Popcorn Friday/Hoot Shop

May 17 - Student Appreciation Day

Kona Ice Truck (Free) and

1 Free Bag of Popcorn

May 17- White Lake Fire Department Visit for JK-3rd 

May 20 - OPC Meeting 7pm - Tech Lab

May 27 - No School (Memorial Day)

May 29 - 31 - 5th Grade Camp

May 31 - Carnival (5:30-7:30) (see attached) 


Carnival Volunteer Sign-Up: 


Bond 2024 Information: 

Thank you to our school community for voting YES on the Bond! This will help our school district in the coming years with many positive changes that will benefit our students across HVS and personally, here at Oxbow!


Positivity Project:

This week, our school community will focus on the character strength of Fairness. Fairness means believing that all people have value. It means approaching situations with an unbiased mindset and treating everyone with respect.

Fairness is the product of moral judgment — the process by which people determine what is morally right and what is morally wrong. Moral reasoning has been explored and analyzed in two main traditions: the justice reasoning approach and the care reasoning approach.

Cultivating the character strength of fairness is correlated with highly desirable developmental outcomes for individuals. It helps people become trustworthy friends, responsible citizens, and generally moral people. 

To practice and encourage the character strength of fairness with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families, where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.


Volunteers Needed at Lunch and Recess: 

We are always looking for parents who are interested and willing to volunteer at lunch and recess. We have room to accommodate those volunteers who would like to help indoors or outdoors. As with any volunteering position, you must have a cleared CRC on file with the Main Office. Please reach out to Mrs. Greenleaf if you would like to help out. We are flexible and open to whatever works with your schedule. Thank you, Mrs. Stipek and Mrs. Semma for coming in this week! 

Fridays tend to need the most support. 

Lunch Hours are 11:45-2:00 pm/ daily 


Student Learner Profile Form:

This is an optional form for parents to share a bit more information about their child with our school team.   Due by May 17th at 4:00 pm. 


Student Placement for 2024-2025:

As we begin to wind down this school year and the warmer weather approaches, our staff is already beginning to plan ahead for next school year. We are beginning to look at our Continuous Improvement Plan, class placements, and early fall activities.

Developing class lists and placing students in classrooms is a complex and time-consuming task and one that our staff takes very seriously.  I have the utmost confidence in our staff and believe that we are very fortunate here at Oxbow to have such amazing educators. Our staff spends a tremendous amount of time and energy trying to determine the best possible classroom placement for all of our children, in order for all students to be successful. Our team works collaboratively over the next month to create balanced classrooms that also meet the needs of individual students. A number of different factors are taken into consideration when creating class lists.

Our team does a wonderful job of using their experience, and data points and knowing each child’s learning style to provide the best placement for them. Please note that we will not consider requests for specific teachers.  We simply cannot accommodate requests without compromising fairness to all students.  In addition, please do not put your child’s teacher in a difficult position by requesting a particular teacher, asking them to share it with me, or asking them to share your child’s 2024-2025 placement.  Class/teacher placements will be posted in Skyward Family Access in August as we get closer to the start of the new school year.


Student Dress Code: 

As the weather begins to get warmer, we kindly ask for your help and support in ensuring that students are wearing school appropriate clothing. This includes shirts that are not crop tops, spaghetti straps, short spandex shorts, short shorts, or sandals with no socks. As you can imagine, this can be a distraction in the classroom and it could take away from student’s learning. I appreciate your support with this. 


Thank you,


Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother’s Day! 


Mrs. Greenleaf