Good afternoon Oxbow Families,
Happy Friday!
It’s been another great week! This week we had our 1st OPC meeting to kick off the new school year. If you have not yet reviewed the meeting minutes, please find them on the OPC Facebook page. Our OPC and parents have so many wonderful things planned for our students for this school year. Thank you for always putting our kids first!
Over the last two weeks, Mr. Ristau and I have been meeting students in all grade levels to discuss school wide behavior expectations and what P2 Owls look like in our building. You will be receiving a note home early next week with our expectations. Parents, we kindly encourage you to please review these behavior expectations with your children again, especially appropriate behavior on the school bus. As you know, riding the bus is a privilege and we need your help in ensuring that your child is acting appropriately and safely each and every day on the bus. This is most definitely a team effort and we need your support!
Upcoming Important Days:
**October 2nd-6th-Scholastic Book Fair (see class schedule attached)
**October 3rd- Scholastic Book Fair Family Night 4:30-7:00 pm
**October 2nd-6th-Spirit Week (flyer attached)
**October 3rd- Hungry Howie’s Night 4-8 pm
**October 5th- Skate Night at the Rolladium 6:30-8:30 pm
**October 13th-Color Fun Run
**October 15th-21st- School Safety Week
Fun Run:
Our Fun Run is scheduled on the afternoon of Friday, October 13th this school year. We can’t wait to have some fun together! As you know, parents are invited to attend the event, since it is planned for the outdoors on the back field. We will be sending home more specific and detailed information in the coming weeks. If you would like to volunteer, you must have a cleared CRC on file. Please reach out to to inquire about volunteering.
If you have not yet registered, please be sure to do so as soon as @ . All monies raised go right back into our students, classrooms and building. We need your help!
We have currently surpassed $10,000 this week, with a goal of $30,000. It can be done! Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Positivity Project-
This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Open-Mindedness. Open-mindedness means you like to consider new ideas and try new things. You examine things from all sides and don’t jump to conclusions.
Open-mindedness is the willingness to actively search for evidence that goes against one’s favored opinions, plans, or goals. Open-minded individuals are able to weigh all evidence fairly, when it is available. They see the other side and fight the tendency to have a bias for their own views. And, rather than favoring the socially dominant views, they give attention to those that are less dominant.
Open-minded individuals are often good listeners and called upon to provide a balanced viewpoint. Both listening and the ability to deliver reasonable and practical advice are marks of good friends and confidantes. This strength helps individuals form meaningful and lasting relationships.
To practice and encourage the character strength of open-mindedness with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.
Health and Wellness Corner-
With cooler weather, more viruses and “bugs” tend to arise and circulate around the building. To help combat colds and viruses this fall and winter, please have conversations with your child about proper hand washing and hygiene.
Please be sure to send cooler weather clothing with your child daily. This can include a jacket, parka or sweatshirt. Students go outside daily, even in the fall and winter time.
In addition, we kindly ask that parents are diligent about checking their child’s hair for lice daily. If you find live bugs or nits on your child, please be sure to treat your child and notify the Main Office as soon as possible. If you are in need of treatment, we do have some in the Main Office and we would be happy to provide you with a bottle. Please just let Mrs. Greenleaf know.
Birthday Treats at School-
Many parents will soon be reaching out to classroom teachers about birthday treats to help celebrate their child's birthday this school year. Due to the fact that we have many children in the building with various food allergies and health related illnesses, we want to create an environment that is inclusive, supportive and safe to all of our children.
With that being said, we encourage parents to send only little trinkets, pencils, stickers, books, goodie bags, etc, instead of food items. Food items such as cupcakes, brownies, etc, will not be accepted due to allergies, etc. This is the same protocol that was in place the last few years here at Oxbow, and we will continue to follow it. Unfortunately, all food items will be returned home with your child.
We appreciate all parents wanting to create an inclusive environment for all of our children!
WIN stands for What I Need. This means that during WIN time students are getting support to fill some gaps or to enrich and go beyond grade level material. If a student attends WIN they will not be missing instruction in class. WIN time is a dedicated half hour for each grade level to meet the exact needs of their students. No new material is presented at this time.
Who teaches WIN?
My name is Emily Richards and I am the Literacy Coach at Oxbow. This is my second year in the position. Our Para Team consists of Loraine Miller, Cherie Conklin, Sasha Zavangansky, Kim Long and Carrie Farnum. Together with my team we offer intervention support or enrichment to go above and beyond grade level material.
The team and I look forward to meeting your students and helping them receive what they need. Any questions? Please feel free to email me anytime.
Winter Gear:
White Lake Police Department and White Lake Fire Department are helping to provide Oxbow students with winter gear this year! If you are in need of support to get your child(ren) winter gear for our upcoming winter season, please fill out and submit this form. If you have additional child(ren) in your home that do not attend Oxbow or are not school age yet, and they need winter gear, please add the information below. We will do our absolute best to get all items needed, once we have all Oxbow students covered.
Holiday Help:
Please fill out this form in order to submit your wish list and register for the 2023 holiday help season. We are going to try our best to meet the needs of all our families who request support. It is critical that you fill out your forms on time. Failure to respond on time could lead to us not being able to help your family this year.
Oxbow holiday help will look a little bit different this year. This year, we are having each family request one want for each child (such as a toy) under $25 and also a need for each child (such as clothing or shoes). With this set up, we are hoping to help more families and give more students an opportunity to open up a couple of presents during the holidays. Please note: If you need any winter gear, please fill out this form:
Some of the organizations that support “Holiday Help” at Oxbow require direct contact with the family (i.e. Shop with a Cop and The Cosur Foundation, etc.) Please indicate on the form if you are open to being referred to one of these programs/organizations.
Arrangements for pick up or delivery of the gifts are made during the last “school week” of December.
Please also indicate on the form if your family is interested in receiving a Thanksgiving basket, if we are able to provide it this year.
We are looking forward to this holiday season!
Sheryl Litt and Lauren Scanlon
More information regarding Halloween will be shared with families next week.
Enjoy the wonderful fall weather and sunshine that is headed our way!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Greenleaf