An exciting season of robotics competition with our HOT Team !
The HOT Team is back in action! After a year of online robotics, the HOT Team is ready to take on this year’s game! Also known as Rapid React, this year’s game is based on airbourne transportation and even has a hangar for robots to park in at the end of each match. In Rapid React, FIRST robotics teams were challenged to build robots that can intake a game element that is a basketball sized tennis ball. Once the robots intake the game piece, they position themselves to shoot it into a nine foot tall structure positioned in the center of the field. This structure, known as the hub, has a high and low goal robots can score in, with the high goal earning teams two points for each scored game piece while the low goal only earns teams one point for each scored game piece. Towards the end of the game the teams can choose to keep scoring game elements, or if their robot is capable, they can choose to drive over to their team’s hangar positioned in a corner of the field. Upon reaching the hangar, robots can climb horizontal bars that increase in height up to seven feet and seven inches as the robot climbs along them. When the game ends, points are awarded based on the goal and number of scored field elements as well as the position and number of robots completely supported by the bars. After watching the kickoff as a team, the HOT Team met in person and started the engineering design process. First, students and mentors reviewed the different challenges posed by this year’s game and came up with innovative design solutions to tackle these particular problems. Then, mentors collaborated with students to actually start designing and prototyping the robot’s parts. So far in the HOT Team’s build season, we have made important decisions regarding the type of drivetrain we are using and are working on implementing our ideas for an intake to manipulate the game pieces. Everyone is fired up and ready to compete in Rapid React!
~N. Blanchard

Class of 2023 Student Council recently concluded a fundraiser for their Senior Prom selling Semester Exams Care Packages. 10 juniors assembled 335 bags to pass out this week to students. This was the most successful fundraiser for this group! They put out flyers, made Google forms, posted on multiple social medias, and stayed late Friday assembling everything. Great job 2023 StuCo!

HVS is sending the following on behalf of the Huron Valley Community Coalition.
The Drugs 101 program scheduled for tonight will now be held on Zoom. This 60-minute program gives an overview of substances teens may misuse and communication techniques for opening up conversations with kids. Emphasis on vaping, marijuana, alcohol and prescription drugs.
Please check your email for a registration link. The event is free.

Finals Care Packages
The Milford High School Student Council is selling finals care packages to benefit the class of 2023. Final exams can be a stressful time for students, this year more than ever, so these care packages are a great way to send a nice surprise to your student, friend, or even yourself. For $10, students will receive snacks, a drink, sweets, pencils, and a personalized note from you to encourage them during finals week. Care packages will be delivered to your student on January 25th, the Tuesday before exams. All orders are due Wednesday, January 19th. Feel free to reach out to milfordclassof2023@gmail.com with any questions.
Check your email for the link to the Google Form to order your care package.
Milford Class of 2023

MHS Art Department is teaming up with HVCA to have a 1st semester Art Show. The show will open on Saturday, February 5th from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm and will run through February 17th.

The Drugs 101 program is sponsored by the Huron Valley Community Coalition and Lakeland High School. This program helps provide parents what they need to know about youth drug trends and how to help parents start those difficult and effective conversations with your kids! The Milford program is scheduled for Jan 12th, 2022 from 6:30 - 7:30pm. Pre-Registration is requested at the link below. Thank you!
Drugs 101 Pre-Registration

Let’s congratulate Erin Scheske, Jillian Spray, Juliana Kanak, and Norah Armijo.
These students have been awarded the National Rural and Small Town Recognition Award. They earned this recognition because of their academic achievements in school and outstanding performance on the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and/or AP® Exams. They've accomplished these milestones during an immensely demanding period of their high school career. We couldn't be more delighted to share this great news.

Milford High School is extremely proud to announce Rick Wank as the High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year.
SHAPE Michigan, the prestigious Health and Physical Education professional educator
organization is proud to introduce Rick Wank as the 2021 High School Physical Education
Teacher of the Year! This annual award acknowledges exceptional contributions in curriculum,
teaching methodologies, professional commitment, and the provision of innovative learning
experiences in order to impact the lives of all students.
Rick's contributions to Milford High School extend beyond the classroom. He is a teacher leader who sets an example not just for his students, but for his peers and community. He has taken an active role in professional development with his colleagues and he took the lead in implementing Heath Zone Monitors in all his classes. This led to Rick applying and receiving a $30,000 grant to purchase Heart Zone Monitors for the entire Huron Valley Schools district.
Congratulations Rick!

Six Milford High School students came out as finalists in the Western Michigan Sales Challenge. (Only one other school in the State had this many students move forward to the final round.)

Students in Ms. Crows class did a UN Country Fair...this activity allowed groups of kids to research a country on a variety of measurements/characteristics/problems the country is experiencing...they would rotate from country to country learning about the aspects of that country that make them unique.

9 MHS Vocal Students perform for MSVMA's

Brian Salyers named 2021 Hall of fame Ambrose Award Winner