Milford Theater Company
Extra-Curricular Program Opportunities:
Fall Musical - Audition-based (early September - 2 days for music/acting/dance). Rehearsals run 4 days a week Sept-Nov and the performances are always the weekend before Thanksgiving. Crew positions available (application-based in October). Production Fees required.
Winter Play - Audition-based (December). Rehearsals run 4 days a week Jan-Feb and the performances are always the last weekend in February. Crew positions assigned after the fall musical. New positions will be application-based in late January.
Production Fees required.
Michigan Thespian Festival - 2nd weekend in December. Attend workshops, compete in theatre events (acting, musical theatre & tech) and see area shows. Costs include registration, hotel & food. Seniors can also compete for scholarships. Only registered ITS Thespians (see below) can compete in events or for scholarships.
HVS Improv Team - Gather once a month to learn improv/acting techniques. This could lead to a spring performance but nothing has been established yet.
Theatre Banquet/Showcase - May - gather to celebrate the year, repeat festival performances and celebrate our outgoing senior class. Varsity letters and theatre/VM awards announced.
International Thespian Festival - June - a week long festival of workshops, events and shows. In Bloomington, Indiana. Approximately $900 for lodging, food and festival. We don’t attend every year but when we do, we coordinate in February. Must be a registered ITS member to attend (see below).
The International Thespian Society (ITS)
This is an internationally recognized theatre group that students may join in order to be recognized for the work in the theatre. Membership is based on hours of work completed in a variety of areas (from writing, to tech work, to performance work). Students earn points as they work with MTC. Once a student earns 10 points, they are eligible to join the ITS. There is an initial membership-joining fee of $35 that includes a certificate and a subscription to a theatre magazine. Membership benefits include attending the state or national conference (this has a fee & travel expenses), earning a varsity letter, and earning honors within the organization. Membership in ITS is not required for any MTC activity but it is required for competitions at Festival. Visit to learn more about this organization.