Career Center

The Career Center is located in the Media Center.
Make an appointment to see Mr. Turnbow.
Click here to view our College Visits.
Updated for the 2024-2025 school year! Check back often, as more visits will be added!
The Career Center is an important link between our students and the world of work. The Career Development Facilitator in the Career Center works to assist students in the process of exploring careers and education options available after high school. These postsecondary options include:
• Four-year universities
• Two-year colleges
• Trade, Technical, and Vocational programs
• Apprenticeship programs
• Certificate programs
• Military opportunities
• Entering the workforce
Students use the Career Center computers to access and update EDPs (educational development plans), request transcripts through Parchment, access College Board accounts, and work on college applications and essays.
Throughout the year, the Career Center hosts college and military representatives who provide informational presentations and resources to interested students. In most cases, these college representatives are the individuals who review our senior college applications for admissions decisions. Some of these colleges offer the opportunity for on-site admissions for seniors at the high school as part of the college visit.
Students in all grades are encouraged to visit the Career Center regularly for help preparing for a career that matches their interests and skills. The Career Center works to connect students with appropriate career paths that align with achieving their life goals.
A.S.V.A.B. Test : The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery was originally designed to predict future academic and occupational success in military occupations. The A.S.V.A.B. now incorporates a career exploration and planning program that uses your A.S.V.A.B. results to help explore the world of work. A.S.V.A.B. testing information will be made available during the school year. See Mrs. Wagers in the Career Center to register for this exam.
Career Development Facilitator
Jacob Turnbow