Rachel Hopmayer, sports anchor for CBS, and Mrs. Fogleman

Rachel Hopmayer, sports anchor for CBS Detroit, spent the day in Mrs. Fogleman's sports classes to discuss her career.  She shared stories of her journey but also presented the idea that everything she needs to know for her job, she learned in middle school ELA.  Those skills were refined as she went to HS and college, but the foundation was built in middle school. She emphasized the importance of strong communication, critical thinking, and storytelling—skills she first developed through reading, writing, and analyzing texts in English Language Arts.

Mrs. Fogleman said, "This was a great day.  Rachel's time with us was time well spent and an investment in my class as we keep building toward the future and what careers might exist outside of the field/court/ice.  In a practical sense, we're starting our sports reporting unit and this was a great kick off to that work."