Art and Design
Art 6
Sixth grade Art builds on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design that were introduced in elementary school.
After students demonstrate an understanding of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, they apply them in projects of both two and three dimensional works of art. This class fosters communication skills, creative abilities, the study of various cultures, self-discipline and persistence.
Art 7
This semester course builds upon the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design that students have studied in sixth grade Art. A variety of materials and techniques are used as students create more advanced works of art. Creativity and problem solving is emphasized. Students create two and three dimensional works of art and critique their own artwork and the artwork of others.
Art 8
This semester course builds upon the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design that students have studied
in sixth and seventh grade Art. A variety of materials and techniques are used as students create more advanced
works of art. Creativity and problem solving is emphasized. Students create two and three dimensional works of art and critique their own artwork and the artwork of others.
Fundamentals of Art & Design (High School credit*)
Prerequisite: Art 8
Fundamentals of Art and Design (Design) is intended to provide a foundation for advanced courses and satisfies
the .5 Visual Performing Applied Arts credit required for graduation. It is designed to provide a beginning experience in the visual arts, primarily, but not exclusively, two-dimensional. This course will explore a variety of mediums including graphite, charcoal, pen/ink, pastel, tempera, watercolor, acrylic, and clay. Students will also explore a variety of artists, art processes and materials such as drawing, painting, printmaking, 2D and 3D design. Emphasis is placed on understanding the Elements of Art and Principles of Design as a basis for composition, utilizing essential vocabulary and exploring art history from various perspectives. Current trends including art in science and technology along with art in the potential "job market" will be examined. Students will learn how to exhibit, present, and publish quality works of art. Willingness to get involved in the creative process is a more important requirement than the student’s talent or previous experience. A lab fee is required.
*Middle school courses that address the MDE High School Merit Curricular requirements will count towards high school graduation and credits.
However, middle school grades will not be included in the high school GPA for any purpose.