Coach: Alex Bageris - alex.bageris@hvs.org
Assistant Coach - DJ Calma
Coaches will use Remind 101 once season starts
Things to Know About Wrestling
Open Mat Information:
Dates are TBD for 2024-25 Season
3:15 - 5:30 pm in Cafeteria
Updated physical is required for participation. For the 2024 - 2025 school year the physicals must be dated after April 15, 2024. All physicals should be either uploaded via Final Forms or turned into the coaches prior to practice. Athletes will not be allowed to participate without an updated physical. Click here for the physical form
All registrations should be done on Final Forms. This may be completed prior to tryouts. Click here to access Final Forms.
Season Information:
Tryouts: There are NO TRYOUTS for our Wrestling team! If you have a WLMS student who is interested in joining our team, simply complete the online registration via Final Forms and make sure your student has an updated physical on file (either upload via Final Forms or turn it into your coach by the first day of practice).
Practices are typically Monday - Friday 3:15 - 5:30 pm. Coaches will communicate the practice schedule.
Starts TBD
Parent Meeting:
Date is TBD
Please plan on having at least one parent attend this meeting
Athletes are expected to attend all practices and meets.
Athletes should arrive on time for all events.
Athletes should change and be ready to practice before 3:15 pm
Athletes should contact their coach in the event they need to miss a practice or game
Athletes are to remember they are representing White Lake Middle School and behave accordingly
Athletic Fee:
Coaches will submit their team roster to LHS Athletics. Athletics will add the fee to your athlete's e-Funds account. Please complete payment through e-Funds by the date specified. Click here for e-Funds.
Equipment Needed:
Wrestling shoes. Asics or Cliff Keen are best
Clothes to practice in
Full mouth guard for those who have braces. Must cover both upper and lower (MHSAA Rule)