Genisys Credit Union hosted a Reality Fair for seniors in the Personal Finance course at Milford High School. Students selected a job and were given a starting salary along with a credit score. Students, using an app on their phone to track the budget, went to visit Genisys employees at a variety of stations to make purchases for their "life" such as transportation, entertainment, housing, charity, etc. If students went over their budget, they needed to meet with the Career Counselor. It was an eye opening experience for students to see what an impact each decision has on their overall budget. Thank you Genisys Credit Union!
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Reality Fair
Reality Fair
Reality Fair
Reality Fair
Pictures of High School Adapted PE participating in Archery. Through a Partnership with DNR MHS was able to acquire archery equipment for this activity.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Adaptive PE
Come enjoy the MHS Holiday Concert on December 14th, at 7pm in the CPA. This is a free event showcasing our Adaptive Choir, Adapted Theatre, Concert Choir, Choraleers and Center Stage. Poinsettias will be available to purchase as well.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Choir concert
Concert flyer
Spanish 4 and 5 classes at Milford High School just wrapped up their study of the Spanish Civil War and the art movements of the time, including Surrealism, Dadaism, and Cubism. After students read a novel set in post-war Spain, they were tasked with creating a work of art showcasing the intersection of the fictional novel and the reality of the war, using what they learned about artistic expression in the era to inform their own piece.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
spanish 4
spanish 4
spanish 4
SAT Practice Test Workshop coming to MHS next month. Early registration is recommended.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
SAT Flyer
Two speakers from Huron Valley State Bank were invited to share valuable information and talk about topics in banking such as budgeting, checking/savings accounts, debit/credit cards, etc. to the Personal Finance classes.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
personal finance
personal finance
personal finance
Today during seminar, counselors invited seniors to come learn about different types of financial aid available, FAFSA and the application process for federal aid, and also to search and apply to scholarships.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Financial aid workshop
HS Basketball Rec League Jan- March 2023. Scan QR code for more details.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
hv rec bball
Another MHS student going above and beyond with taking initiative to make a difference- Kennedy Russel, a student here at Milford that started her own business years ago, Kennedy's Confections, recently ran a cookie sale where all the proceeds were to be donated to the Milford Miracles. She raised over $500 for our families! #Mavproud
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Kennedy's Cookies
Upcoming showcase event that the OSTC Agriscience program will be hosting on December 15th from 3:30-5:30 PM for all 9th-11th grade students interested in veterinary medicine.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Pet first aid
Great to see student leadership in action and students taking initiative to go above and beyond! Courtney Drew "Coco", organized a "Rake and Run" on election day. Where these girls met up downtown Milford to rake leaves in yards. They raked till they were out of leaf bags. Then last week, she and Ashley Murray went to the Big Reveal in downtown to help raise money for the Milford Miracles. #MavProud!
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Rake and run
Big Reveal
For many years, MHS Leadership has hosted the annual blood drive. One donation helps 3 people. Libby is getting her vitals checked before donating. Between students and staff, we had over 30 volunteers sign up for this successful program.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
blood drive
Hello, Parents, The next Parent Council Meeting on Nov. 17th, 2022 at 9:15am Please come to the main office and check in at the front desk and we will direct you to where the meeting is being held. Thank you, Go Mavs!!
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
save the date
With a new sport introduced, naturally there are questions and curiosity piques. Mr Wagner, our coach at Milford, is happy to help out. The season of ESports started mid September with open practice. Tryouts are held for 3 days, looking for great teammates to help push each other to achieve success. Good communication, call outs, constructive criticism, and overall gameplay are also factors looked for in players. The regular season goes from 10/4 - 11/22 filled with pre-season games and 7 regular season games. This season the games offered were; Valorant, League of Legends, and Super Smash Bro's. ESports happen everyday after school, with practice or games. There are 52 Valorant teams and there are 57 Super Smash teams in our league. For more info, students or parents interested can check out the website, (, email Mr. Wagner (, or stop by my room (room 107)
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
esports 2
esports 1
Can you believe that today the senior class talked with the Jostens representative about cap and gown orders! Ask your senior about their packet they received. Orders are placed online at by November 29th.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
Senior meeting
jostens flyer
The DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest, created in 1934, is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. These students are selected by their teachers and peers because they demonstrate these qualities to an outstanding degree. Abbie Hess is the Milford High School recipient of this year's DAR Good Citizen Award. Congratulations Abbie!
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
DAR Award 2022
On Wednesday, October 26, MHS held the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. That night 68 students, some returning Seniors, and many new were inducted. These students that fit the minimum academic criteria, applied in the fall of 2022, passed a competitive application process and were evaluated according to the Four Pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service. Successful NHS applicants are not just good students, but individuals with the drive and interest to make an impact on our school and community. Congratulations students- we are proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
NHS 2022 induction
The MHS Company (MTC) is proud to present the musical comedy White Christmas as its fall theatrical production. Showtimes include: Thursday, November 17th at 7:30pm (Spotlight Gala Fundraiser with VIP seating and regular seating available) Friday, November 18th at 7pm Saturday, November 19th at 1pm and 7pm Tickets are $14 online for all seats for all of the above shows ($100 for Spotlight Gala VIP Seats on Thursday as it includes a dinner event at Union 212 prior to the show).
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
White Christmas parade 22
Gala 1
Gala info 2
"Thank you Milford Community!! On Friday, October 21 at the amazing Milford Lakeland football game, DECA members participated in a Million Dollar Minute. Dressed in orange, members ran through the crowd collecting change that will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation that will help send a student with Muscular Dystrophy to summer camp. The Milford community donated $768 in one minute!! Thank you again for your support.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School
BMT 2/VEI is a class at MHS that starts up and runs a virtual online business in a virtual world of other high school students around the country. In our class we have two businesses: Mavco and Bruce. Each potential employee prepares a portfolio for a job they would like to experience with our company, then students are given the opportunity to interview with Huron Valley administrators to learn and practice their interview skills. Students will complete a reflection and thank you, in hopes of receiving job offers for various positions.
about 2 years ago, Milford High School