Congratulations to our 56 Milford DECA students who competed at the DECA State Career Development Conference! Milford students battled amongst 4,500 delegates from 159 Michigan high school chapters. MHS Senior and President of Michigan DECA, Ryan Carrannanto, was incredible in leading the conference on behalf of MHS. High honors went to Gavin Hess and Ralph Walter who achieved top testing scores in Economics and Mathematics, as this test is taken by nearly all competitors at the event.
Here is a breakdown of Milford at States:
Students competing at States: 56
Number of events entered: 30
Students earning medals: 29
Number of medals earned: 53
Number advancing to Internationals: 12
Please congratulate the following individuals and teams who are advancing to the International Career Development Conference in Orlando in April:
Maddie Zumstein - Business Growth Plan
Evan Luttenbacher - Quick Serve Restaurant Management
Zaylee Hincka - Accounting Applications
Benji Hallgren - Principles of Entrepreneurship
Jack Stine & Tyler Webb - Travel & Tourism Team Decision Making
Kellen Phillips & Ben Shaw - Travel & Tourism Team Decision Making
Avery Graskewicz & Katie McDonald - Innovation Plan
Dylan Doggett & Lacey Smith - Integrated Marketing Plan - Product
More photos and videos can be found on the Milford Mavs DECA Facebook page.