Heritage Elementary PTO
PTO Board Members:
President: Katie Stahly PTOPresident.Heritage@gmail.com
Vice-President: Jenell Bondarenko PTOVicePresident.Heritage@gmail.com
Treasurer: Allie David PTOTreasurer.Heritage@gmail.com
Digital Communications: Shannon Dorchak PTOCommunications.Heritage@gmail.com
Hospitality: Courtney Kozlowski PTOHospitality.Heritage@gmail.com
Principal: Jenna Stevens Jenna.Stevens@hvs.org
Feel free to contact us for any further information, ideas, or questions about the Heritage PTO.
Stay Connected
Sign up to volunteer using this link: Volunteer Sign-up
Rent the sign!
Did you know you can rent the Heritage sign to wish your child a Happy Birthday? The cost is $10. If interested, please email ptopresident.heritage@gmail.com with your name, telephone number, desired message (max 45 characters), and the date you would like it posted. Requests must be received at least 7 days in advance, and you will want to sign up before your day is taken!
Donate to the PTO
Link your Kroger rewards to Heritage:
On your App go to the 3 lines in the upper corner, select “Rewards”, select “Community Rewards” and Choose HERITAGE ELEMENTARY PTO.
Send Any Colasanti’s Receipts into school with your child.
They donate a portion back for each receipt turned in.
Link your Amazon Smile account to Heritage Elementary, Highland MI.
Download the Box Tops App
Purchase Mabel’s Labels