Hello, Lakewood Families!
We have had a great full week of school! I am just so proud of our students for Showing Pride and Respect, Obtaining Goals, Acting Responsibly, and Remembering Safety.
This Thursday, September 19th, we have our Curriculum Night from 6-7 PM. This event is for parents/guardians of students in Grades 1-5 only. Our resource room, social workers, and specials teachers will also be in attendance for you to meet, but will not be doing presentations.
For those of you who are new to the curriculum night format, like me, it is broken up into two sessions- 6:00-6:25 and 6:30-6:55. Classroom teachers will do the same presentation for both sessions to allow for parents/guardians who have students in other classes. Partnering with the school staff has such a positive impact on your child’s education. We hope you all can join us at this event!
Additionally, another way to partner in your child’s education is by becoming a DOG DAD or MOM. This is where you volunteer in various parts of the school building on Mondays and Wednesdays, as well as assisting at recess. A perk is that you get to have lunch with your child when you participate in this volunteer program. ;) We will be having an informational meeting about this program at 7 PM on Thursday, September 19th, in the library, right after curriculum night.
One more way to partner in your child’s education is by becoming a member of our PTA. The cost is $10 per individual or $18 per family. Here is the link to join. I am also including the link with our meeting schedule, as well. We hope you can join us at these meetings.
Hope you have a great weekend! Reach out anytime if you have any questions, heather.peaden@hvs.org