Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)
Kurtz Elementary has and will continue to follow the district policy on electronics. To ensure that no misunderstanding occurs relating to this issue, we consider a Kindle, Nook, tablet, smart watch or even a cell phone to fit into the district’s set position on the student’s use of electronics. Please check out the district’s policy.
As technology is becoming more and more a part of our lives, we at Kurtz realize that many devices can be used in the classrooms to enhance the educational experience for our students. We are moving forward with the integration of technology while limiting the amount of distractions that may be created in the learning environment. We are a one-to-one district. This means we have a Chromebook for each student to access during the school day.
Student possession of an electronic device in the building is allowed and subject to the discretion of the classroom teacher. The administrative staff, along with the classroom teacher, reserves the right to define the educational value of any new electronic devices that may become available in the future, and to prohibit or allow their use accordingly. Possession of an electronic device by a student is a privilege and will be forfeited by any student not following school policies and/or classroom protocols. A student using a device without permission or in an inappropriate fashion will result in the device being confiscated by staff and turned in to the principal. Parents will be called and will be responsible for picking the device up in the office.
If a teacher allows students to bring in a device a secure location will be designated in the classroom of the teacher who is participating in our BYOD program. The student is personally responsible for the safety and security of their electronic device when it is not secured by the classroom teacher.
Students may not text, email, take pictures or otherwise use a personal device on school property during school hours. Please note, if a parent allows their child(ren) to bring in a device, the device must be turned off and put away. All communication during the school day should be through the teacher and/or main office in order to avoid distraction during learning time or confusion related to messages that are not communicated to all parties.
Click here to download a BYOD permission form.