About Us

Welcome to Highland Elementary

Highland Elementary has been an integral part of the Highland Community and Huron Valley Schools since 1969. While providing students with high quality instruction from a dedicated staff is a universal mission of all schools, we at Highland pride ourselves in the many little things that make our school special.

Highland Elementary Facebook Page

Highland Elementary Twitter Page

Huron Valley Schools Bullying and Harassment Policy

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Huron Valley Schools Code of Student Conduct

District Links

District 'For Parents' Page

Contact Information

Patricia Campbell

Beth Diedrich
Elementary Office Coordinator

Amy Perfetto
Para Educator

Office: (248) 684-8070

300 W. Livingston Rd.
Highland, MI 48357

Attendance: (248) 684-8071
Fax: (248) 684-8269

Start Time: 9:15 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 4:08 p.m.