The upcoming bond proposal would include funding for safety and security. Vote on or before May 7, 2024.
8 months ago, Anne Zambito
HVS Bond 2024 Safety and Security Upgrades
Voters will be asked to consiter a zero tax-rate increase bond proposal on May 7, 2024.
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
What's on the ballot? On May 7, 2024 voters in the Huron Valley Schools will consider a bond proposal focused on 3 key areas: safety and security upgrades, infrastructure upgrades, and upgrades to support modernizing educational settings and new programming.  The proposal authorizes the issuance of $361.3 million in bonds.  For more bond info visit
April 7-13 is national library week. Check out your local library for your next great read!
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
Reminder: 11th grade students will complete state assessments April 9-11. These tests are a requirement for graduation. Additionally, 9th and 10th grade students will take the PSAT on Wednesday April 10.
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
Testing sheet for reminder of testing dates
Election day is May 7, 2024!
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
HVS Bond 2024.  Did you know?  The bond is a zero rate tax increase.  For more information visit
Today we celebrate Paraprofessional Appreciation Day. Harbor is lucky to have some of the best around! We appreciate everything you do to make HHS a wonderful place to be.
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
Being a para is heart work
March is national reading month! Ask your teacher for a book recommendation or visit your local library.
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
March is Reading Month
March is School Social Worker Appreciation Month! We are so lucky to have Mr. Dawson and all the other HVS social workers!
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
School Social Worker
Election day is May 7th!
9 months ago, Anne Zambito
HVS Bond 2024 Infrastructure Upgrades.  For details, visit
Thursday, March 14 is picture day for new students and for students that were absent last time.
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
March 14 is picture day
Tuesday, March 12 is a half day for HHS. Students will be dismissed at 12:00.
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
1/2 day of school
Third trimester begins Monday March 11. Students may pick up a paper copy of their new schedules from their previous first hour teacher.
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
New schedule
Harbor's leadership students will continue its returnable can drive for charity through Friday March 8th. Please drop off any returnables in the front vestibule bin during school hours.
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
Returnable can drive through March 8th
May 7th is election day for the HVS bond!
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
Bond 2024 Focus Areas.  Safety & Security, Student Programs, Infrastructure.
The deadline to purchase a 2024 Harbor hoodie or T-shirt has been extended until Friday, March 8. Order forms are available in the office or from Mrs. Zambito. The shirts will be light blue with navy ink. We are also offering zip up hooded sweatshirts this year!
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
Harbor High with wave logo for shirt design
Reminder: Second trimester finals are March 7th (1, 2, 3 hours) and March 8 (4 & 5 hours). Third trimester classes will begin Monday, March 11.
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
February is National Career and Technical Education Month. We are proud of our HHS students that attend Oakland Schools Technical Campus and are developing skills to help make them successful after high school!
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
It's school bus driver appreciation day! Thank you to the HVS bus drivers that get us safely to school and back each day. We appreciate you!
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
Reminder: No school Monday, February 19 & Tuesday, February 20 for mid-winter break. Enjoy the extra long weekend!
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
Harbor gear order forms are available in the office or from Mrs. Zambito. This year we are offering hoodies, zip-up hooded sweatshirts, and t-shirts. This years design features a wave and the quote "You can't control the waves, but you can learn to navigate the current." Order forms and money (cash or check) are due by March 1st.
10 months ago, Anne Zambito
Harbor High with wave logo for shirt design